Hey everyone,
Last night was an incredibly strange night of bowling for me. I bowled 2 shifts and experiences some of the worst carry I've ever encountered. I'm not talking about 10-pins or anything, I'm talking about solid 8s and 9s. I had a great line to the hole all night, but I just couldn't carry. In 3 games of my second shift league I left 11 9-pins, 3 ringing 10s and 2 solid 8s. I realize that leaving 9s is not the much of a stretch these days, but what should I have done? I don't often see it a good idea to adjust out of the pocket, but I tried it a couple of times. When I made that move I had a harder time getting a consistent breakpoint and carrying from there also. My question is what else could I have tried? My line was strong, the reaction was crisp and the hit was there, it just wouldn't carry. I just chalked it up to one of those nights.
Bowling is without a doubt the dumbest, most pointless, most idiotic excuse for a game that has ever been invented. So, what time are we bowling tomorrow?