
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: dicnic on January 09, 2009, 10:11:46 AM

Title: What do you do with your non-bowling arm?
Post by: dicnic on January 09, 2009, 10:11:46 AM
I have proven to myself that I had better concentrate on keeping my non-bowling arm outstretched with the thumb pointing down during the approach and release. Without a doubt, doing this keeps me lined up better and prevents me from twisting my body during the release and throwing the ball too far to the right. Sometimes even in the gutter, sometimes too far out to allow it to come back to the pocket.

Certainly this is one of the tips on numerous web sites but until one actually experiences it personally it is difficult to believe.

Why keeping the off-arm outstretched with thumb down helps is beyond me but it certainly does.
Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.
Title: Re: What do you do with your non-bowling arm?
Post by: azus on January 09, 2009, 06:15:00 PM
I just sticks out my arm, I dont know which direction my thumb is pointing, but it helps me keep my balance and square up my shoulders
I like my coffee black, just like my metal.
What would Chuck Norris do?
(\ /)
( . .)
Cute Bunny! copy bunny into sig to help him achieve world domination
Title: Re: What do you do with your non-bowling arm?
Post by: A K A on January 09, 2009, 06:29:43 PM
I like to flap it like a bird trying to take off

oh wait, that is someone else !!
Make Ragnar happy, make Google your friend!

I think he has stock in Google?
Title: Re: What do you do with your non-bowling arm?
Post by: sevenpin63 on January 09, 2009, 06:47:59 PM
I like to flap it like a bird trying to take off

oh wait, that is someone else !!
Make Ragnar happy, make Google your friend!

I think he has stock in Google?

Title: Re: What do you do with your non-bowling arm?
Post by: BrunsBrent on January 09, 2009, 07:31:26 PM
oddly enough, i do everything with my left hand!i write, i eat, i just cant bowl with it, or throw a baseball
You might recognize me from such films as... "how to pre-bowl 900"
Title: Re: What do you do with your non-bowling arm?
Post by: novawagonmaster on January 10, 2009, 06:29:28 AM
Strecthed straight out. My thumb is facing foward. I have not tried winding up that arm.
Jon (in Ohio)
aka: Rico Swervé~

Title: Re: What do you do with your non-bowling arm?
Post by: mainzer on January 10, 2009, 07:20:19 AM
I don't may attention to it I couldn't tell you and I would probably hurt myself if i paid that much attention to my free arm
''If their is a life after death,
  then their is no death,
  and if their is no death,
  we do not live''

Progressive Metal Band

Title: Re: What do you do with your non-bowling arm?
Post by: Buzzhead on January 10, 2009, 09:54:30 AM
just recently started to put my thumb down and sorta box my target by keeping it out in front of me. Works too.....
It also keeps me from hitting up on the ball because I have to follow thru instead of crossing the body badly.


Ten pin?????? Where?? I throw a BUZZSAW there is NUTTIN left on the deck...

Proud MEMBER of the FOS!!
Member of the FOS, if there happens to be a 9 pin standing just toss a saw and cut it down~~!
Title: Re: What do you do with your non-bowling arm?
Post by: jbuzz31 on January 10, 2009, 10:12:19 AM
I don't may attention to it I couldn't tell you and I would probably hurt myself if i paid that much attention to my free arm
''If their is a life after death,
  then their is no death,
  and if their is no death,
  we do not live''

Progressive Metal Band


im in the same boat.  i dont think about it and am afraid too lol
Ive Eaten From The Insane Root That Imprisons Reason
Title: Re: What do you do with your non-bowling arm?
Post by: JoshY on January 10, 2009, 10:32:58 AM
My thumb points up. It works for me.
Title: Re: What do you do with your non-bowling arm?
Post by: LuvThatWhiteDot on January 10, 2009, 01:59:17 PM
I try to be Carolyn Dorin-Ballard (http://"")
White Dot
Every time I hear the word exercise, I wash my mouth out with chocolate.
Title: Re: What do you do with your non-bowling arm?
Post by: MI 2 AZ on January 10, 2009, 02:55:28 PM
I didn't even know what my left arm or thumb was doing until I dug out this old photo (http://"") to see.  Thumb facing forward since it's towards the pindeck.

I am the Sgt Schultz of bowling.
"I know nothing! I see nothing! NOTHING!"

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Title: Re: What do you do with your non-bowling arm?
Post by: novawagonmaster on January 10, 2009, 03:50:46 PM
Good pics, you two!
I can't wait to go to Vegas next month to get mine
Jon (in Ohio)
aka: Rico Swervé~

Title: Re: What do you do with your non-bowling arm?
Post by: J_Mac on January 10, 2009, 03:58:00 PM
I try to be Carolyn Dorin-Ballard (http://"")
White Dot
Every time I hear the word exercise, I wash my mouth out with chocolate.

Hey... I recognize her...  
Title: Re: What do you do with your non-bowling arm?
Post by: WSUstroker on January 10, 2009, 05:13:44 PM
My arm stays relatively close to my side.
Dan Chambers
Title: Re: What do you do with your non-bowling arm?
Post by: mrbowlingnut on January 10, 2009, 05:19:07 PM
I do the thumb down thing taught to ingrain in my dang head from Bill Hall, helps keeps my right shoulder back and not chicken wing like the old days too much.

Actually twist the thumb clockwise towards 7 oclock thinking about this more, took awhile to get it as something you just start to do.

Edited on 1/10/2009 6:20 PM
Title: Re: What do you do with your non-bowling arm?
Post by: gbrown on January 10, 2009, 05:28:06 PM
Until a couple days ago I just let it hang.  I learned from a coach that I need to put it out and bring it back to get square and balanced at the line.  Now that I have learned that my balance is better and I dont pitch the ball out anymore.
working on my game

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arch rival
ultra zone
twisted solid
smash zone x 2
twisted fury
vapor zone
pit boss old faithfull