Where is your shop located? -- Tell City, Indiana, a town of about 8,000, in a 20 lane house.
What is your average number of balls sold each month? -- I would say 125 balls per year. The amount varies widely, with the heaviest volume coming from Christmas through April, and almost nothing during the summer.
Do you have a good repeat customer base? -- Most of the bowlers in our center buy their balls at my shop. The nearest competing shop is about 50 miles away. We price our drilling for internet balls very high ($75), so probably a dozen sales a year are lost to other shops that charge less. Most of our bowlers buy a ball every three years.
Do you get more sales with entry level or mid-high performance range balls -- Roughly 60% of our sales are plastic balls to our junior bowlers and beginning ladies. 20% are midrange balls to the better juniors and ladies and beginning men, and 20% high performance.
In summary, we are a typical small house shop. Not a big profit center, more of a service to our bowlers. Since I'm retired and don't need any extra $$ to survive, I consider the pro shop a hobby. The bowling center owns the shop and sets prices (with my input). We only carry a very small inventory, mostly of plastic balls. We can get any ball that Classic Products stocks in three days. I normally spend one night per week at the shop, and take appointments at any time I don't have a conflict. I also bowl in two leagues, and will do some work before or after the league time. -- JohnP