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Author Topic: What do you guys think?  (Read 5989 times)


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What do you guys think?
« on: November 17, 2013, 10:52:03 PM »
Week after week my pocket percentage is extremely high. I have been hitting the pocket with authority and have not been able to string strikes. I'm a lefty and have been leaving solid 7 pins and solid 10s. I watch other guys in my league who don't seem to throw as good a ball as I do and they put together strings of strikes for big games, quite often. I have consistently shot between 570 and 600 almost every night. My high series is 657, but most of the other nights over 600 were about 610. I don't miss many spares and have had only one night that splits plagued me.I just can't figure it out. Guys I bowl with just shake their heads as they don't understand it either. Is it possible that my ball speed is the culprit? I throw between 13.5- 14.25 mph on most every 1st ball I throw. I could use some input as I'm puzzled. Thanks in advance!!


Urethane Game

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Re: What do you guys think?
« Reply #16 on: November 18, 2013, 01:13:11 PM »
I would suggest looking how the ball rolls through the pin deck and not what you're leaving.  If your ball is splitting the 8-9 every time, I'd find it hard to believe you're leaving lots of 7 pins.  While your ball may not be rolling out, it may be losing energy quickly and as a result deflecting.  Watch where the ball goes and you will find your answer.


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Re: What do you guys think?
« Reply #17 on: November 18, 2013, 02:41:11 PM »
Thanks for the good wishes Scott, they are appreciated. Urethane Game, I wouldn't say I'm leaving lots of 7 pins. I would describe it more as leaving a number of solid 7s and almost as many solid 10s around strikes causing me to get few longer strings of strikes that would help get higher scores. I know everyone has these problems from time to time, but mine seem to happen weekly. Good bowlers from other teams tell me they can't believe how I don't seem to catch a break on seemingly good hits. I'm not fretting over this as my main concern was whether or not my ball speed may be the main culprit. That is something I could deal with.


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Re: What do you guys think?
« Reply #18 on: November 19, 2013, 08:12:26 AM »
So, last night was a rough night with carry.  After the night was done, this topic came to mind where the issues with carry were similar.  I was watching PBA bowlers, and numerous other great bowlers, leave numerous corner pins.  It didn't matter what they did.  But since I don't bowl this league all the time (first time this year) I wasn't stuck throwing the ball in the normal place.  I looked at the shot with a fresh mind without any preconceived notion of where to play.  I did have better carry than others but I can't say I threw the ball great.

Long story short, it appeared the difference between those who carried well and those who didn't was where they played the lane.  Had nothing to do with type of ball being used or release type, though straighter bowlers appeared to do well. 

Sometimes what is necessary is a set of fresh eyes on a shot to help determine where changes can be made.  We are all guilty of walking into league and expecting the same shot as the week before.  We get out the same ball, stand in the same place and throw the ball the same way over the same mark.  And when things are a little different, we can't fathom why we aren't scoring our normal scores.  What I would do is start fresh.  Perhaps start off targeting a different line or using a different ball.  Do something different and then go from there.  It is difficult for anyone to know what you are going through since we aren't there.  How does that saying go....

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Albert Einstein


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Re: What do you guys think?
« Reply #19 on: November 19, 2013, 02:13:32 PM »

I agree with everything you have said. I think my fix may be more along the line of trying a different ball. Knowing the pattern we have also tells me I probably wouldn't be better off on a different line. I think changing the entry angle by having a different shape path to the pocket is more likely done with a different ball. Again, my question really hinged around my ball speed and does that keep me from scoring as well as those who throw the ball harder than I. Thank you everyone for your input. That is why I like this site, you get many varied responses and most, many times won't fit, but just the process of thinking more about the problem creates a shot at the right answer!


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Re: What do you guys think?
« Reply #20 on: November 20, 2013, 04:36:11 AM »
Speed certainly can have an effect, lower speeds don't result in as many hits where the head pin comes across the lane to take out the 10 pin.  Try adjusting your shot to come in a little lighter than a "solid" strike.  Not the shot that leaves a weak 10 pin, just a little lighter than that.  Sometimes that will carry when the solid ball won't.  --  JohnP


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Re: What do you guys think?
« Reply #21 on: November 20, 2013, 08:50:56 AM »

I am also a guy with slow ball speed. Believe it or not your speed is greater that mine. I was in the same place as you as I would have a high pocket % but not a high strike %. If I was having spare problems on a given night I could have replaced myself with my 12 year old daughter and no one would know the difference based on scores. I have found at least for myself if I am aggresive with my arm swing I tend to carry better. I believe I was slowing my arm swing down when coming thru the ball.


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Re: What do you guys think?
« Reply #22 on: November 20, 2013, 09:30:54 AM »
I am a stroked throwing 14 pound balls with the same ball speed as yours. When I was throwing 16, I got much better carry and did not have to be as careful about ball selection. With 14, ball selection and resulting entry angle is much more important.

With 14s I see blower sevens on what seem to be solid pocket hits. In reality, the ball is coming in to sharp and hitting slightly behind the head pin.

Ringing I ten pins on what look like solid pocket shots are actually too high shots.

Also, I leave 8 pins on solid pocket hits when I move in deep. This tells me that the ball rolled out or deflected so I adjust accordingly.

It's not luck. It's understanding what your ball is doing and then making the right decision about how to fix it.

Trust what you see and feel that you need to do to fix what you see. Make the adjustment and then adjust off of your adjustment if necessary. You have bowled a long time so I know that you understand that you bowl best when you follow your own "feel" and get comfortable.


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Re: What do you guys think?
« Reply #23 on: November 20, 2013, 09:46:06 AM »
Proper carry is abt having the bowling ball slow down correctly as well as deflecting. If the ball is not slowing down properly, the ball can be sliding too long into the pocket, thus flat 7's or 10 pins...if the ball releases too strongly off the end of the pattern , the bowling ball can enter the pocket at too sharp an angle thus causing ring 7's or 10's. The type of lane surface can dictate this also.
Co-author of BowlTec's END GAMES ~ A Bowler's COMPLETE Guide to Bowling; Head Games ~ the MENTAL approach to bowling (and sports) & (r)eVolve
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Re: What do you guys think?
« Reply #24 on: November 20, 2013, 11:28:07 AM »
I think Rico nailed it.  Even with a slower ball speed, don't be afraid to use a ball with more surface.  The ball needs to stop hooking and start rolling as it enters the pocket.  If the ball is still hooking as it enters the pocket, the ball is still sliding and not rolling


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Re: What do you guys think?
« Reply #25 on: November 27, 2013, 05:31:48 PM »
I have the same originally described problem at times. Boy have I learned a lot by reading the replies — and Thanks to all.

But I might add this: I have two balls that are very much alike, both from different mfgs. They're same type, weight, etc., etc., etc. Only differences are core and coverstock material and small Rg/Diff numbers. If I happen to have both balls with me and run into this trouble, there are times that one will definitely carry better than the other. There are other times they'll react the same, though. It may all in my head, but I'll switch balls and magic seems to happen.

The only other thing I would say is Don't get discouraged; hang in there!