I'd like to add a little more to this for thought.
Let's say PA and Rhino match frame for frame. In the 7th frame, PA leaves a 10pin, covers it, and comes back to the 8th and and starts striking again. Rhino is up in the 8th and leaves an 8 counts, covers it and strikes in the 9th. PA strikes out as does Rhino.....in the end, losing 279-278.
Does that make Rhino a choke?? Why not?? Is it the fact that in the 10th frame he struck out.....and that's the defining moment of him choking or not??
I guess where I am going on this is this......I can see a choke when you repeatedly do something over and over and are close to perfection. WRW needing to cover a single pin for the win.....and missing. That is a choke. He's pretty much 99% on single pins conversions. For that matter.....any pro bowler needing a single pin and missing....I would terms a choke. Striking at will though?

? That's not 100%.
For Rhine, the fact is he could have scored better at the start of the game and perhaps that would have put him in a better position to where he wouldn't have needed to strike out....or do whatever he needed.
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