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Author Topic: What do you think about this?  (Read 674 times)

The great one

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What do you think about this?
« on: March 28, 2004, 09:33:15 AM »
This weekend, the house i work at hosted a scratch senior tourney, the lefties dominated. The right side was/is ugly, ton of oil on the outside, really dry inside, while the lefties had all kinds of room. Due to the format and low number of entrees, all the bowlers made it to the semi's. The director goes to our mananger and asks for the shot to be worked on to give the right handers a chance in the semis and the finals. The head mechanic is called in, as is the district manager and the machine is worked on, and a differnt shot is run (turned out to be pretty bad, but gave the right handers about 2-3 boards more area.) A right hander ends up winning. Any thoughts?



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Re: What do you think about this?
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2004, 12:40:13 AM »
sounds pretty stupid to me...why dont they just let righties bowl from 30 feet away instead of 60???  thats basically the same thing...although i do understand the situation being unfair if the shot is really that different on both sides...but if any changes were to be made, the tournament should have been stopped and started over completely on the new shot.  ive never heard anything like that before, and i know that i would have been a little confused seeing that, even though im a righty.  my other question is, why does it always seem that oil machines are doing something wrong? it the programmer?...or is it the machine itself? old house put a flat shot down one day to practice on, and it ended up putting down the flat shot on the right side and a wall on the was only practice, but could u imagine a tournament like that?...i watched the program get put into the computer...and i know it was put in how is this possible?...u would think these machines would work properly.
Erik Olsen -

The great one

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Re: What do you think about this?
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2004, 02:25:44 AM »
You would think...the feeling around the workplace is that the machine is not putting out what it says it says that it is running 26 ft. on the left side, 39 in the middle, and 22 on the right, but like i said, the lefties just have all the room in the world, and the righties are fighting for 200 every game. To go back- 2 mondays ago the shot is like it is now, total flood on the right, dry in the middle, wide open on the left no one shoots 6 in my monday night league, shot is just absolutly terrible, last week, last weekend i bowled a tourny at this house, and the same problem, scores were low, and the shot was very similar to what it was this weekend. Monday, the shot is wide open, there are 5 700s in the league, with myself being one of them, ABC guy of the city comes in, runs his reader and says the shot is not leagal because there isn't 3 units on the outside, tuesday, the head mechanic and manager are messing with the shot, then tell the pro shop operator (who bowled this weekend) and myself to bowl on it. Outsides were a little wetter than monday, nothing near the weekend, and still very play and scoreable. Go in wed. to work, and the manager has me bowl on the shot oil anywhere, lofted the left gutter and still crossing over, so they mess with it again thursday, i wasn't there because i bowled league at a differnt house, go in friday during the day again to test the shot (turns out scores were terrible thursday night and 3 teams quit the league), and it was like monday, wide open can't miss. They run it for the leagues friday night, and lanes 1-20 no one can wrinkle the ball, just a total flood, meanwhile, 21-40 people are throwing over the gutter because it was soo dry. I bowled right after the leagues and found the same thing, ton of oil on the low end, nothing on the high. Everyone was baffled to what happend between the shot we bowled on during the day and what was run at night. Yesterday/today shot was like that dreadful monday, just total slop. I've tried everything with every surface prep w/diffent layouts...and it all does the same thing, hook off the hand in the heads, try and push it threw the heads and it never recovers. nasty, but dead easy on the left.


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Re: What do you think about this?
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2004, 02:32:40 AM »
something is definutely wrong with that machine...if it cant even put the same terrible shot down on all the lanes than something is definitely wrong with the machine.  i strongly suggest that u have a professional come in to look at it before every league walks away...i cant understand how these machines could be so unreliable...ive seen it happen myself, not in that extreme of a case, but its hard to believe either way.  they should try putting down a flat shot and see what comes out.
Erik Olsen -