Right now my arsenal consists of:
AMF Angle Evolution tour II - 2-3" pin next to ring finger, MB right of thumb, hole just past PAP.
Inferno - 2-3" Pin at ring finger, cg about 1/2" to the right of pin, hole under PAP
Freak Out - 4-5" Pin slightly right and about an inch above the ring finger, cg near palm, MB next to thumb on the right.
AMF Hawk - 2-3" pin touching the right top corner of the ring finger, MB just right of thumb, Hole on PAP.
Monster Red/black - 1-2" Pin under the ring finger, cg slightly right, hole 4" right of the cg
Big Hit pearl - 3-4" pin between the fingers, cg slightly right.
What opinions do you have on my arsenal, whether i am going in the right direction in ball choices? My specs are in my profile.
Thanks in advance.