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Author Topic: what does it take to get tournament entries??  (Read 1493 times)


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what does it take to get tournament entries??
« on: October 13, 2003, 02:15:17 AM »
A year ago June, I started a women's tournament group, with the assistance of two local individuals. Since then, we've averaged approximately 1 tournament a month, held in 2 states.
When I talk with the women, they always say that there's not enough for them to bowl. Yet, we hold tournaments, and our turnout stinks!!!

I have done all kinds of things to promote the group (, and still, we are getting very poor turnout at tournaments.

I've done mailings to higher average women, mailings to every house in two states, the web page, emails to close to 400 email addresses, advertising in the two local bowling papers.

Is it just women, is it just the northwest, or is it all scratch tournament bowling?

I don't know what else to do! I hope some people might have some ideas.

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Re: what does it take to get tournament entries??
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2003, 05:41:18 PM »
I've also heard the problem is too many women bowl socially.  I personally know several women who will not bowl tournaments except in their own center.  I have brought a few into tournament bowling for City and state, if it is local.  Then I know a few women that will bowl any and all reasonably priced tournament.  I, for one, have just started traveling for tournaments in the last year.  I even went to the Hoinke in Cincinnati.

I didn't bowl tournaments before this because my bowling was so erratic or my finances were limited.  It is sad, though that more people are unwilling to take up the challenge and try their hand at tournament bowling.  You meet some really great people that way.
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Re: what does it take to get tournament entries??
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2003, 05:51:55 PM »
A voice in the lanes whispers: "If you have the guaranteed money, they will come."
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Re: what does it take to get tournament entries??
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2003, 05:54:35 PM »

When you are out and about in the centers, what type of a response are the ones who did know about the events giving for why they didn't make the effort to shoe up?

I definitely don't know the answer, because let's face it, I've had problems trying to talk regional-caliber players into shoeing up when something has been within driving distance (and yes, I mean driving distance for most people, not my Hey its within a thousand miles driving distance).

When I have gone to the stuff in Louisiana, there aren't many women that come out down there either, so it isn't a PacNW thing.  There does, however, seem to be a small resurgence in scratch events around this region, but you still have to drive at least 3-4 hours to get to them...

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Re: what does it take to get tournament entries??
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2003, 05:56:07 PM »
Not True, I'm the asst. director of a youth tour in tx, and no one is willing to bowl anymore. We've tried everything from offering more money (goin to smart of course), free entrees, handicap formats, and still only have 14-20 entrees everymonth. We move every month to try and be close to everyone, however still no one wants to show.


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Re: what does it take to get tournament entries??
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2003, 01:33:02 PM »
To add to Sawbones point, scores are also a touchy issue.  Myself, I am not good enough to shoot 800+ (which is a score I often see posted in tournaments anymore) on any day, so why should I donate my money?  However, if there is a fair, but tougher shot to keep the scores more reasonable, everyone will cry that they "never shoot well" there and will not go back - despite the fact that everyones scores are down.

I don't have a solution to your problem, but this is something I have observed around here - even in handicap tourneys.

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Re: what does it take to get tournament entries??
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2003, 05:20:14 PM »
I think the key to running a tourny is asking yourself and other bowlers you respect what it is that makes you want to bowl tourneys. When you walk into say the Nationals, Hoinke, or Peterson there is excitement. Pins crashing, people watching, money flying, ball raffles, and scores posted everywhere. All of these have great publicity and they are some of the biggest tournys around.
 Obviously, it takes a while to get that kind of turnout. Some of the better ones are smaller but they all seem to have a few similarities.....
Guaranteed money
Lots of brackets
playable but demanding conditions (with exception to the
profesionally ran from sign-in to bracket sign-ups
Perhaps you could get a sponsor for the Tournys....we have a big one here every year that Miller Light sponsors  and puts up a little cash. They have ML on special and of course people will be encouraged to support them. It doesn't have to be a beer company and you could possibly get some womens retail stores to offer up gift certificates or resteraunts....the possibilities are endless.
All in addition to the payouts.

 Brackets are always good but have to be professionally ran with quick printouts, as the side action can bring excitement to the tournament.

A tough but playable shot keeps the field in check so that evryone feels they have a chance. True the cream will usually rise but not always. A fair but playable shot so each style has a chance.

 Again professionally ran goes a long way and shows that you are running a tight ship. This goes from maybe the staff wearing matching shirts, to handing out cheap bowling You have to create a buzz and make people want to try it. Maybe send out newsletters and of course post results after each tournament. Maybe spotlight a new bowler each week as this will keep THEM coming back as well as 2-3 friends.

 There is no one thing that makes people want to try the tournament experience, although once they do they usually come back. Maybe a couple ideas you can try if not already....Hope it picks up for ya

Cheez Wiz

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Re: what does it take to get tournament entries??
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2003, 07:53:47 PM »
I think it's because they're intimidated by Kathy Tribbey winning everything.
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Re: what does it take to get tournament entries??
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2003, 11:38:24 PM »
There are many problems facing tournaments today.  I currently run two tournaments up here in Michigan, and have struggled along with them both.  One thing I'm trying to do is get the media involved more.  This is a major problem that bowling faces.  The local sports editor treated me like crap via email and I took that as an insult.  He wouldn't even let me explain what my business could offer by posting tournament articles and results in their newspaper.  The city involved is Flint, the 3rd largest city in Michigan.  I'm finally going to meet with the newspaper editor on Friday as I sent him the conversation between their sports editor and myself.  Why won't the media print this stuff?????  It just doesn't make sense.

We have a tournament up here called Michigan Majors.  Their finals used to be on television some years ago, and they would get 100-250 bowlers per event.  They even had to turn people away!!!  Once TV went away, so did the bowlers.  I suppose without the media, money isn't enough anymore.  There is no prestige in bowling "Michigan Majors" anymore.  If you ask me, the newspaper media has REALLY dropped the ball here.  I noticed ESPN reran the PBA finals last night on their ESPN2 station.  Kudos to ESPN!!!  They're starting to learn...perhaps the rest will follow.

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