Okay so this may be filed under: Ron's dumb question of the day, but here goes:
So we've all seen them. New ball comes out and all the usual suspects post videos of the ball in action. Generally what I see are pros or at least very accomplished/advanced bowlers pouring in strike after strike. Yes there is a note on the pattern being used and the layout of the drilling, but for the lay person like myself (and I can only assume I'm not alone), that doesn't really mean that much and really it removes an element of apples to apples comparison. Essentially what I get out of it is, wow this ball makes strikes happen.
The reality is, in my view, that the bowlers in these videos can make any ball look great from top of the line to entry level. And even in overlay videos designed to show me differences, I have to believe that person can make either ball look they way they want it to (I recognize there is an over simplification in my discussion). So anyway, when I see a video I see a good bowler bowling good.
This brings me to the question. What does one look for or more accurately, what does one see when they look at a video? Do you break it down on focusing on certain areas of any given shot? I generally now find myself just looking at the continuation of the ball through the deck. See how 'heavy' it's hitting.
Help feed my geekdom so I can look at these videos with more of a sense of purpose.