The topic on league secretary/treasurer fees made me think of this.
Last year, at the annual league meeting, the house raised the weekly lineage amount from $9.50 to $10.00. At the time, we were paying $15 per week, with $0.60 going to me for secretary/treasurer fees, $3.20 going to our prize fund, and $1.70 going into our year-end party fund (we like to party

I asked if the members wanted to offset the lineage increase by raising the weekly fee by a dollar, from $15 to $16. Several people said they would quit the league, rather than pay $16 per week. Too much money, they said. So we kept the fee at $15, and lowered the prize fund contribution to $2.70.
A few weeks into the season, someone got the idea to run a 50/50 raffle to recoup some of the lost prize fund money. Since the members had been so adamant about not raising the weekly fee by a dollar, I really didn't think it would go over.
Well, I was wrong. The same people who said they couldn't afford an extra dollar suddenly found an extra 5 bucks to throw into the 50/50 bucket. All they needed was the chance to win more than they paid in.
Why are people so cheap, until you give them a chance to win something?
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