I walked into my centre tonight, and couldn't really see how league bowling is encouraged for the most part.. They do have a fliers board (as u enter the centre)with pamphlets containing info re leagues,but I'm guessing most walk in bowlers simply walk by it without so much of a thought, bowl their games, walk right past it, and go home, then come back in another 6 months or so....
How can a centre really promote leagues?? Is it display boards, or enthusiastic staff, or both needed to make people aware that leagues even exist.. I feel that most people are not even aware of what a league is..
Is it commiting time into a weekly social activity, or the cost, or the length of the season, do not know!!!
What does your cente do?
Can u think of any good ideas, as I would love to suggest/offer something to my centre, as I am very fond of it, and want all the leagues to continue, and prosper. I have been bowling since 2000, and since then most leagues have dropped from 4 to 3 man teams. The number of teams has also dropped, some leagues are now down to 2's... My very first adult league use to have 64 bowlers in it, it is now down to 16, u do the math.. Sad!!
Why is it not considered unusual when picking up golf for instance to take a few lessons, and newbies to golf establishing a handicap...
Take care