Recall back to the PBA Plastic Ball Tournament. They were able to get those plastic balls to turn and it wasn't just the high rev players getting them to hook either. Its a very short oil pattern.
As far as the lane machine. Would we need it? Nope. The High Tech Lane Machine was created to handle the High Tech Ball (The ball came first.).
My whole point to this argument is the large amount money going into this sport uncessarily, just to increase strike percentage. The bad part about is, this technology is done with "smoke and mirrors".
- A bowler can't see the oil pattern that has been laid down to give the bowler area
- A bowler can't see that the ball is going to hook and grab the lane more.
- A bowler can't see that pins have been altered for better action
- A bowler can't see that kickbacks have been improved,
- A bowler can't see that WAHSAM has been installed on lanes.
All a bowler can see is that he/she is getting more strikes. They feel good about themselves, they have that false sense of being better. They don't work for it, they don't practice, inside they naturally feel they are gifted in this sport. When they shoot a good score or series, its all about their ability. They all forget that a lot of research and money helped them to shoot a score that without that technology they wouldn't even come close to shooting an honor score.
That's the HARD TRUTH of this sport.
Edited by trash heap on 2/3/2012 at 4:13 PM