
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: rymacatthedisco on September 08, 2008, 04:38:35 PM

Title: what i learned...
Post by: rymacatthedisco on September 08, 2008, 04:38:35 PM
so i bowled my pba x league tonight, we are starting out with the broadway pattern...this is a new house for me in wisconsin, since im from illinois. i will find out more about the lanes later, but neways the pattern is pretty simple, i played it just up the track area with not much hand using a kenetic with the pin above the ring and the mb just right of the thumb, i had 2 decent games, 20x, 19x, then since the packers were playing everyone was buying drinks and getting free drinks when they scored and the last game was NO GOOD!!! 13x. i def learned to not drink too much during a pba league, during house leagues its ok to drink cuz u have a lot of room, not on the pba stuff...

oh well had some fun, we swept the other team as well so go us!
RYAN MCDANIEL...University of Wisconsin Whitewater Men''s Bowling...5th place at nationals in 07/08
great new website!!!


Diamonds...she''ll pretty much HAVE to!!!