What I learned on another forum.
"That the way you locate the PAP is wrong"
"The X and Y values simply don't translate into anything useful other than identifying a location." (of the PAP)
"Measure from the PAP to the center of the fingers gives you a longitude, latitude value, longitude being 0 degrees."
"And A dual angle layout doesn't produce the same dynamic parameters for each bowler."
"Each bowler (worth making a layout for) has a PAP." (I guess if your not worth a layout you don't have PAP)
"At the point of release the ball will rotate around the PAP.
(technically it's the line from the PAP to NAP)"
"Now lets look at the major problem.
At the point of release, what is the position of the core in relation to where the force is applied.
It makes a big difference if the PIN is facing down, or up at that moment.
But that question can't be accurately answered if you use the current PAP identification method."