This is my favorite topic, so I'll add my $.02...
You've heard people say "I've tried them all"? Well, I actually have. For whatever reason, I have been a fan of interchangeable thumb grips since the first one came out. Some have been a disaster, and it is important to note that all of them can have minor problems depending upon the skill of the driller. However, by far, the top two products are the Switch Grip and the Vise IT. I used the Switch Grip for several years in at least 10 different balls. People say that the nubs on a lot of them would break easily, but I only broke one in all my usage, and that was before they improved the model. I cannot comment on how they are now, but I was very happy with what I had even before they made the improvement. I did have to re-glue one, but that was the only other problem.
However, as pleased as I was with the Switch Grip, the Vise IT is a superior product in my humble opinion. I am not a driller and I cannot tell you which one goes in more easily, but for me the Vise IT locks into place a little more securely and feels slightly more natural because I don't have the additional feel of the inner sleeve. To me, both products are superior to any of the others out there, including the Grip-Loc.
Really, for either of the top products, the driller makes the difference. SLight edge to the Vise IT for mechanical design, but really, the driller is the key.
As for me, I only use the Vise IT and will never go back to a standard thumb.
Other than that, I have no real opinion
Hope that helps.