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Author Topic: What is a good reverse pitch in fingers for semi finger grip  (Read 3458 times)


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Hello guys,
I'm seriously thinking about going to a semi finger grip for my next ball. Long story short, but for over 10 years have been fighting the ball in my backswing which causes my thumb to squeeze, even at 0 degree pitch and also my fingers are toast, they have been for as I said over 10 years. I currently before league ended to the virus about November of 2019 in my league my average went from 195 to 175 going down real fast.  I then tried a old 1998 Storm El Nino and got the ring only plugged for a sarge easter grip. That slug in it feels like 1/8 left and 1/8 reverse and my last new ball was 0 and 1/8 left however it's finger tip drilled and it was fun but it destroyed my first knuckle. My average went up nearly 10 pins with the easter and with a proper slug at 0 and maybe a slight reverse I am totally open to using this grip indefinitely.

I brought up on FB a local proshop guy and brought this up and he said you are going to hit up on it. Yes, I don't see how it's possible to get two fingers on a relaxed, shortened span  so my first knuckle is buried below the grip but I know my body and mind and I can feel my armswing would be looser, higher and less pressure on my fingers with a reverse pitch in the fingers. I was thinking about 3/8 reverse or at least 1/4, what do you think?

I also want to say I unintentionally had a new ball back in 2007 with a driller. I showed him my fingers and they were going through trama then however that was a period I did not use grips and he drilled a semi finger tip grip with reverse however was slippery not to mention the slug was a 1/8 reverse. The ball was falling at the line and couldn't get much leverage on it so I had it redrilled.

I cannot go back to finger tip drilled either grips or not. The sarge I have is somewhat comfortable and the conventional grip for my ring is fine and like the slight grip pressure at 0 in my middle and generally have had no issues but as I said, If I was to keep this I would prefer to go to 0 on my thumb, maybe completely with no left or right and a slight 1/8 to 1/4 in my conventional grip. Thoughts?



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Re: What is a good reverse pitch in fingers for semi finger grip
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2020, 09:52:13 AM »
I would never, ever, recommend a semi-finger tip grip. The fingers are not design to have pressure between the two knuckles.

I believe in a relaxed finger tip span and believe it is the easiest grip on a hand physically. Otherwise I would go to a full conventional grip with the fingers inserted to the second knuckle.

There is nothing  wrong with putting some reverse in the fingers. Generally 1/4 reverse will do.

You could also try putting forward in the thumb.

But it is impossible to fit someone over the internet.

Maybe your thumb hole is oversized, maybe you need some tape in the thumb, maybe you need some radical pitches in the thumb. But my general observation is that a ball being dropped is almost always due to the thumb releasing too early, you do not fall out of the fingers first (unless the span is way too long).

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Re: What is a good reverse pitch in fingers for semi finger grip
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2020, 10:37:15 AM »
I can fit someone this easy over the internet.

If you hate good health and your hand and bowling well, go semi fingertip.

Else, tell us the area you live in and I'm sure someone can recommend a pro shop that won't butcher your hand.


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Re: What is a good reverse pitch in fingers for semi finger grip
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2020, 01:06:34 PM »
Hi - Just reading your post, question, and investigation.  I would recommend that you see a high-end coach and have him / her look at your game.  As the previous reviewer stated, you cannot do a ball fit over the internet.  I would recommend a Gold or high-Level Silver Coach.  This could be a PSO or not.  But the two of you can come up with a solution to your issues.  It may not be a new ball and drill pattern.  Go to Bowl.Com and search for a certified couch in your zip code.  My thoughts - Coach Denny O'Neill, Silver Level, and almost GOLD Level