Well, I was sitting and thinking about how many "high" games I have thrown this year and then thought, well, what is a high game?? Is a high game anything shot over 220,230,240 etc....
I understand that different people will have different standards as to what a high game would be to them. Obviously someone who averages 220 and shoots a 230 probably wont look at that as a high game. However if someone who averages 190 shoots the same score, he does think its a high game. Personally if I shoot anything over a 240, its a high game. Not that 220's and 230's dont mean anything, they are still 40+ pins higher than my average. But if I shoot a 240 or better then I consider that to be a high game. So what do you guys think??
"I am the most consistent bowler in my house....
I consistently SUCK!!"