It also depends a little on how you look at it. If I throw a 260 plus, and earn it, I'll be pretty happy, but if I throw the same score and don't bowl so well, I'm still happy to have the score, but face the realization that the same shots could produce a 200 the next game. Example, in league Wednesday night, I threw a pretty decent first game. However, I left a solid 9 as well as a solid 7 (solid, not mixer) and a few ring 10's, and only shot 213. I FELT like I bowled 240 or 250. The second game, I pulled out a different ball and went the front 10 right off the bat. I had a mixer or two, and a couple of 10's kick out for 288. I wasn't quite as comfortable as I'd been the first game (the ball I went to and I haven't been getting along very well so far), but I threw some pretty good shots. I SCORED 288, but felt more like I threw a 230 and MAYBE a 240. The last game I absolutely buried everything, and left 4 RING 10's. I felt ON, and only shot 236. That game felt like it should have been the 288, and I honestly believe I could have shot the 300. It's funny how it works out that way. The two games I felt I threw the ball the best I got tapped, and the game I was a little uncomfortable in was the game I scored the best.
I have a temper, but I'd rather make quality shots and get tapped than make poor shots and carry. Because sooner or later the quality shots will start falling, and if you add in a break or two, you've got yourself some honor scores. I'm a lot calmer getting tapped than I am making bad shots. 95 percent of the time I have a temper flare, it's because I made what I felt was a bad shot. Of course, if I've got the front 8 or 9 and leave a solid 7, 8 or 9, I'd probably be a tad miffed, but lol, I really doubt that'll happen much unless I start throwing the ball a lot better than I have been.
The weekly signature series, by Hamster, presenting a mini-series of quotes from Shrek!
"Oh I'll find those stairs, I whip they butt too. They won't know which way they going. Give me a step right here and now, I'll step all over it, kick it to the curb. I am the stair masta, I've masta'd the stairs."