i saw somewhere in the thread someone asked about establishing an average each year. The league I bowl in does, and this year they went crazy and decided that you establish and average after your first three games. Needless to say do I even need to give examples of how most bowlers took advantage of this? In my league only team captains are allowed in the meeting before the league begins in september, I am not a captain, but I mean really, 3 games, if thats not intentionaly letting sandbagging happen than what is? When the league president was questioned about why the rule was changed he said it was for the best. He had league high average for four years in a row, his team lost the league those four years, and this year his average is only down a meager 22 pins, coeincidence?
I understand that handicap makes things equal or is at least designed to, but some people need to face facts, and that is bowling can be a second source of income for those who have the right numbers and skill level, and in certain situations these bowlers are the masses and not the minority.
I can also speak to the fact that I do travel to find scratch competition, but given that the amount of money to be won has been cut in half by gas prices, i have chosen not to pursue many options. My house hosted a scratch league this past summer, at the first week no one could agree on averages or handicap, yes handicap was brought up at the scratch league meeting. So as much as you might think that the high average bowlers are just looking out for their own pocket books, some of us just want some equality among the masses.