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Author Topic: What is considered a Single drilled ball ??  (Read 11415 times)


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What is considered a Single drilled ball ??
« on: June 16, 2008, 12:56:58 AM »
Have seen this going on for a while.

Ball stated to be single drill, get pictures, and you can see thumb has been slugged, then redrilled.

Some say that is a single drill, because a slug was used, and ball was not plugged.

I guess if they had slugs for the fingers and they were used, you could keep putting in slugs3/4 times and still have a single drilled ball.

What is a single drilled ball to you????

If a slug is used, then drilled, is it a single drill, some people seem to "think", just because a slug was used, (and not actually having is fillied up with plug material) .

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Edited on 6/16/2008 9:22 AM



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Re: What is considered a Single drilled ball ??
« Reply #16 on: June 16, 2008, 12:08:04 PM »
From looking at that pic, I can't really tell if the thumb was double-slugged or not, or what the deal is with the fingers.

Like Raiderh20boy said, it might be reducers.  Never seen those used.  In the past, my pro shop guy has plugged vacu sized holes and re-drilled.

I don't understand brickguy221 with the:
Fingers "poured" to change the finger pitch and drilled back into the exact same hole is a single drill.

Does "poured" mean plugged?  If you are drilling back into the exact same hole, but with a different pitch, you are removing different material than the original drill, and I would consider that as plug work.

As Tracy said, if plug material is used at any point, it is a plugged ball.

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Re: What is considered a Single drilled ball ??
« Reply #17 on: June 16, 2008, 12:11:34 PM »
Jumping off from my last response, here is a question:

I make my own slugs from quick plug material.  I use a mold to make the slug.  

What if I decided to drill the thumb hole at the 1 1/4" size - same as the slug.  Instead of using a slug, I pour the quick plug directly into the hole, then proceed to drill my thumb as usual?

I would consider it a plugged ball, but mainly because that plug material isn't going to come out the same as if I glued in the slug.  The end result is the same, but the process is completely different.
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Re: What is considered a Single drilled ball ??
« Reply #18 on: June 16, 2008, 12:19:25 PM »
I make my own slugs from quick plug material. I use a mold to make the slug.

What if I decided to drill the thumb hole at the 1 1/4" size - same as the slug. Instead of using a slug, I pour the quick plug directly into the hole, then proceed to drill my thumb as usual?

I would consider it a plugged ball, but mainly because that plug material isn't going to come out the same as if I glued in the slug. The end result is the same, but the process is completely different.


That's a tough call. In one way, it's the same as a Vise Clear slug, BUT, you poured plug material into a hole to let dry/harden. In another way, it's a plugged ball only difference the plug work is clear (?) and as I say, Tough Call.
az guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro


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Re: What is considered a Single drilled ball ??
« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2008, 12:21:55 PM »
It also looks like they could have polished the ball the didn't clean the polish from around the grips or slug. Just my $.02, Bruce
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Re: What is considered a Single drilled ball ??
« Reply #20 on: June 16, 2008, 12:53:09 PM »
Quick plug is different than normal plug, as it is more porous than a normal plugging (due to the timeframe it takes for both to harden (quick plug takes 30 minutes or so compared to the overnight of a normal 3-to-1 plugging). I can't even figure out why you would want to punch a large hole, then fill it with quick plug, just to drill a hole in it, when you normally make molds of your thumb (like myself).

Also, to the person that was asking about "pouring" the fingers and drilling into the same spot that is called pitch-plugging. This is the "art" of filling a hole with quick plug (about 1/16" from the top cut), then redrilling into the EXACT same hole...but with the different pitch (this will keep the top of the hole in the EXACT same spot, but will angle differently into the ball. You wouldn't even be able to tell that it was plugged, unless you looked into the hole, as from the surface, there is only the 1 hole.

Big Willy Style

PS...pitch-plugging is done with quick plug (at least with every pro shop employee I've ever talked to, since almost all of the plug is drilled back out.

Jumping off from my last response, here is a question:

I make my own slugs from quick plug material.  I use a mold to make the slug.  

What if I decided to drill the thumb hole at the 1 1/4" size - same as the slug.  Instead of using a slug, I pour the quick plug directly into the hole, then proceed to drill my thumb as usual?

I would consider it a plugged ball, but mainly because that plug material isn't going to come out the same as if I glued in the slug.  The end result is the same, but the process is completely different.
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Re: What is considered a Single drilled ball ??
« Reply #21 on: June 16, 2008, 02:55:45 PM »
My point is if there is anything beyond the 3 original holes. It should be mentioned. , NO!, it must be be mentioned.

Whatever else was done, it's up to the buyer to decide whether it means anything to them.

For me, it's single drill and ...
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Re: What is considered a Single drilled ball ??
« Reply #22 on: June 16, 2008, 03:08:58 PM »
Quick plug is different than normal plug, as it is more porous than a normal plugging (due to the timeframe it takes for both to harden (quick plug takes 30 minutes or so compared to the overnight of a normal 3-to-1 plugging). I can't even figure out why you would want to punch a large hole, then fill it with quick plug, just to drill a hole in it, when you normally make molds of your thumb (like myself).

Big Willy Style

I don't do it, but I was thinking about it for a while.  I wasn't sure if my mold process was going to work.  I've gotten used to the feeling of a slug, but got tired of paying for slugs.  The quick plug provides the same feel, but like you, I didn't see the point of wasting material.  

Luckily my mold process seems to be working well enough (not actual mold of my thumb, but close enough that I only have to do some slight ovaling and sanding of the hole).  I'm now able to make my own slugs for a fraction of the cost.....which is always a good thing.

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Re: What is considered a Single drilled ball ??
« Reply #23 on: June 16, 2008, 03:13:31 PM »
A Single Drill means it has never been plugged.

IMO, a plug just to move a thumb back a tiny amount or something to that effect doesn't mean its a Second Drill.


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Re: What is considered a Single drilled ball ??
« Reply #24 on: June 16, 2008, 03:47:06 PM »
I know for awhile, I was using a slug. Meaning that they would drill up a new ball, drill the hole for a slug and then drill that out for a sleeve. Do not ask me how I got into that, but I still have a few balls that are like that. The newer equipment that I have just has a drilled slug. So for me it has a single drill on it.
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Re: What is considered a Single drilled ball ??
« Reply #25 on: June 16, 2008, 03:54:43 PM »
WHAT???? First drilled for a solid (1 1/4?) and the put a 1 1/8 inside that???

pro shop guy

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Re: What is considered a Single drilled ball ??
« Reply #26 on: June 16, 2008, 04:03:31 PM »
Just so everyone knows....The Track Temper is MINE, This ball had a switchgrip thumb which is a 1 1/2" hole. I took the sleeve out ans installed a 1 1/2" solid urethane slug. Then drilled the slug. HOW IS THIS BY ANY MEANS NOT A SINGLE DRILL??????????? I see most perple here DO understand this, aside from a couple. This ball has had NO WHATSOEVER plugging! Sorry, but I take pride in the condition of my equiptment, and I don't appreciate other people INCORRECTLY speaking of it.

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Re: What is considered a Single drilled ball ??
« Reply #27 on: June 16, 2008, 04:06:11 PM »
Yes I forgot to mention...around the fingers is polish not wipped off perfectly. Sorry guys, just a little ticked off about this. Those of you who have dealt with me hopefully understand this.


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Re: What is considered a Single drilled ball ??
« Reply #28 on: June 16, 2008, 04:18:27 PM »
If the redrill of the slug stayed within the slug area I'd call it a single drill,but since the drill went outside the thumb plug and drilled into ball that makes me consider it second drill,because now the thumb hole isnt the same size hole as when it was first drilled,however I will say pro shop guy does take very good care of his equipment and hes a good guy to deal with,just my 2 cents on the ball though.


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Re: What is considered a Single drilled ball ??
« Reply #29 on: June 16, 2008, 05:07:02 PM »
This ball had a switchgrip thumb which is a 1 1/2" hole. I took the sleeve out and installed a 1 1/2" solid urethane slug. Then drilled the slug

Not doubting anyone's word, but as I read what was done, that is a single drill ball, in my book.

I think some of the problems when it comes to "single drill" or not, is what is/was done. As above, take out a switch grip and install a slug, single drill.

IMO, slug, drilled out to install a smaller one inside, NOT a single drill, just how I see it.

Personally, I don't like 1 1/2 slugs, I'd plug it and so state, nothing to misunderstand that way.

az guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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Re: What is considered a Single drilled ball ??
« Reply #30 on: June 16, 2008, 05:33:14 PM »
The thumb is back a bit on the slug, but it is 100% in the slug.....the hole does not touch the ball.