I had never had experience bowling on a wall shot until my freshman year of college when my bowling coach drilled hours of practice learning to play the twig. My normal conventional line was around the 7-8 board, so it became a challenge to trust the ball up 1,2 or 3 board.
When I bowled in many New York houses that year, I saw what a wall meant. As long as I hit through the ball up the first 5 boards, I would hit the pocket. It was only a matter of carry.
I don't see very many walls in Mass., but last year I experienced one subbing in a league with my friend. For 3 weeks of subbing, my low game was a 205 and I had a high of 278, without much effort. The league had 7 300 games, 5 800 series, and at least 10 people averaging 220 or better...