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Author Topic: i have a question  (Read 3479 times)


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i have a question
« on: January 04, 2004, 03:29:06 AM »
What is the definition of the term "a wall" in bowling?

Before any smarta s ses (9andawiggle), lol, get any ideas, I know that a wall is something that hold the roof on up on a house. I just am not sure what the wall is in bowling.

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Re: i have a question
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2004, 06:40:59 PM »
I THINK a wall is when the lanes are like, just no pattern, just, full oil. BUT I AM REALLY JUST TAKING A WILD GUESS HERE! haha I am also curious, I will keep checking on this post.
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Re: i have a question
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2004, 07:22:23 PM »
If you could "see" the wall, it would look like a Christmas tree, with the oil tapered toward the middle of the lane toward the pocket starting from the magic 2nd arrow (10 board) on each side of the lane.  The drier boards outside of the 10 board (on each side) help "funnel" the ball back to the oil line of the Christmas tree and make the ball go straight to the pocket.

If you miss wide, the ball will find its way to the pocket with the help of the dry boards.  If you tug the ball inside, the big puddle in the middle will "hold" the ball (meaning it won't go anywhere) till it gets to the pocket.
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Re: i have a question
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2004, 07:39:31 PM »
The way Bob7 states his conception of a wall is the way I look at it also.  10 to 10.  Very lil lane conditioner outside of ten "walled" up at 10 board or thereabouts with over 50 units.  

This started in lacquer days with blocking lanes.  Continued in 70's and 80's when short oil was used before the three unit rule.  <Short oil was limited to length 24 or 26 ft. can't remember.  Proprietors did not strip everyday most once a week.  Players used pearlised under reactive balls.>  "Walls" made the swing player popular.... miss outside ball comes roaring back to pocket miss inside ball slides into pocket <carry might not be as good missing inside.  Over/under reaction on "walls" can befuddle many bowlers.  Fluffers use the dry outside to advantage and boomers can play deeper inside miss outside and still get to pocket.  Boomers can leave some weird split combos on "walls".

IMO...basically every proprietor uses some type of "wall" in a THS.  Why averages are so inflated and everybody thinks "boy am I good".  Bowl on a flat conditon where the lane man doesn't give you help and you'll find out how good you really are.  You'll see this at ABC Natl's.



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Re: i have a question
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2004, 01:10:59 AM »
so the term wall has different meanings to different bowlers. thats good to know.
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Re: i have a question
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2004, 01:35:32 AM »
I had never had experience bowling on a wall shot until my freshman year of college when my bowling coach drilled hours of practice learning to play the twig. My normal conventional line was around the 7-8 board, so it became a challenge to trust the ball up 1,2 or 3 board.

When I bowled in many New York houses that year, I saw what a wall meant. As long as I hit through the ball up the first 5 boards, I would hit the pocket. It was only a matter of carry.

I don't see very many walls in Mass., but last year I experienced one subbing in a league with my friend. For 3 weeks of subbing, my low game was a 205 and I had a high of 278, without much effort. The league had 7 300 games, 5 800 series, and at least 10 people averaging 220 or better...



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Re: i have a question
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2004, 11:19:18 AM »
Before any smarta s ses (9andawiggle), lol, get any ideas, I know that a wall is something that hold the roof on up on a house.

What did I do? LOL  Basically, I think this has been answered, but it's called a wall because you simply stand left - throw right and "bounce it off the wall" and into the pocket.  I find the pattern (dry from 1-10, oil inside of that) to be more forgiving on a down and in shot though.  Just play weaker equipment straight up the 10 board.  If you get it a few boards to the right, the dry will bring it back - if you pull it a couple boards left, the oil will keep it from crossing over.  I usually see about 5-6 boards of area on this type of shot.

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