I would have to agree with K Dawg. There has not been much advancement in ball technology itself, just a better understanding of what we can do with what we already have.
What speaks volumes on this matter is considering Visionary just came out with the Particle Ogre. The Particle Ogre uses the same cover that is on the Granite Gargoyle, with a couple MINOR adjustments, most of which were to change the pigment of the ball color to make it so the ball does not show dirt as quick as the Granite did. The Granite came out in 2000. Yep, 8 years ago, and the same cover is still being used today on a new ball. No different than Brunswick using Powerkoil still, or Global using BASF which we all know is SuperFlex. AMF came back out with the Nighthawk remakes, those balls came out over 10 years ago and they are still being used today.
Just goes to show all of the marketing we buy into, how much of it is really not needed on our part? Also shows that the new newest, greatest thing since sliced bread is essentially marginally better than the previous offering.