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Author Topic: 2nd time around .. scribing!  (Read 863 times)


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2nd time around .. scribing!
« on: October 15, 2010, 02:20:54 PM »
I talked about this before and I understand the need for PRO'S to SCRIBE! I also understand where there are some (other then pro's) who feel it necessary to SCRIBE to be sure there drilling is as PERFECT as can be!

However .. every time I see a SCRIBED bowling ball up for sale or trade I wonder how anyone could take that ball and use it! True 90% of the time a Used ball has to be plugged and re-drilled. I feel the new buyer does his best to plug that ball to be as invisible as possible .. there is NO WAY to cover up scribing (most are too deep).

I can't for the life of me see the necessity. Can the drilling be off that much for 98% of the bowlers when scribing is NOT done?

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