saw, that's a great training idea . . . i'll see if i can sneak a piece of paper out there, although i may need more than one . . . sigh . . .
one idea that helped make my release more consistent . . . once i set up on my mark, i'll look at where i want my ball to be at the arrows AND at the breakpoint (kind of a mental picture of the whole shot). as i take my first three steps, i'll focus on where i want to place my slide foot at the line. my reasoning is that if i don't stand at the right place when i release the ball, it won't matter if i hit my mark or not!! i'm usually pretty comfortable about where i'm heading by the third step, so i then change my focus to my target area at the arrows, but with a visualization of the ball going to the break point. make sense??
i just want the feeling of following through, and when i concentrate on just the arrows, i tend to shorten up my stroke and aim too much.
good luck, kidjete, and let us know how you're progressing!!!
That which does not kill me makes me stronger . . .