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Author Topic: What is your focus point as you approach the line?  (Read 1384 times)

Kid Jete

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What is your focus point as you approach the line?
« on: February 24, 2004, 06:32:41 PM »
I just started really getting into bowling about a month ago and I am working on technique and all that good stuff.  One thing I find myself constantly wondering is where your eyes should be focused as you approach the line on your shot.  I find that my eyes drift around alot and I am thinking that will lead to an inconsistent shot.  Should I be focusing on the mark on I am aiming at throughout my entire shot?  Should I keep my eyes on the pocket until I get closer to the line, then look down at my mark?  What do you do and what do most teachers recommend?


Kid Jete

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Re: What is your focus point as you approach the line?
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2004, 09:56:24 AM »
I think my biggest problem is that I haven't found a line I am totally confident in yet so I tend to roll the ball through a general area instead of focusing on one particular place.


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Re: What is your focus point as you approach the line?
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2004, 10:04:01 AM »
I think my biggest problem is that I haven't found a line I am totally confident in yet so I tend to roll the ball through a general area instead of focusing on one particular place.

Next time you bowl. watch where YOU THINK your bowl rolled at the arrows (15 board, 14 board, etc.).
Ask your teammate or practice partner to watch where your ball crosses at the arrows.
I think you will be surprised at the difference in perspective.
I like to watch . . . the ball that is.

Kid Jete

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Re: What is your focus point as you approach the line?
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2004, 10:04:46 AM »
I am hoping to one day be able to read lanes well and pick a mark and be able to hit it almost evertime.  Right now though I haven't developed conistency in my release and position I am in at release so it's tough to find a line that works for me.  I'm working at it though so hopefully it'll come sooner than later lol.

Kid Jete

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Re: What is your focus point as you approach the line?
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2004, 10:10:54 AM »
Cool method Sawbones... I'll give that a shot later today when I go for a few practice games.


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Re: What is your focus point as you approach the line?
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2004, 10:23:56 AM »
I was told to target the arrows when I started bowling. After years of struggling to consistantly hit my mark, and asking around some, I found that a lot of the better bowlers I knew targeted either dots at the foul line or cherry dots between line and arrows. Personally, I locate my target in the general area of the cherry dots. It has helped me be much more consistent. I mostly never see the actual breakpoint, just the move, but I do watch the ball enter the pocket to adjust and fine tune.
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Re: What is your focus point as you approach the line?
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2004, 10:28:14 AM »
saw, that's a great training idea . . . i'll see if i can sneak a piece of paper out there, although i may need more than one . . . sigh . . .

one idea that helped make my release more consistent . . . once i set up on my mark, i'll look at where i want my ball to be at the arrows AND at the breakpoint (kind of a mental picture of the whole shot).  as i take my first three steps, i'll focus on where i want to place my slide foot at the line.  my reasoning is that if i don't stand at the right place when i release the ball, it won't matter if i hit my mark or not!!  i'm usually pretty comfortable about where i'm heading by the third step, so i then change my focus to my target area at the arrows, but with a visualization of the ball going to the break point.  make sense??

i just want the feeling of following through, and when i concentrate on just the arrows, i tend to shorten up my stroke and aim too much.

good luck, kidjete, and let us know how you're progressing!!!
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Kid Jete

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Re: What is your focus point as you approach the line?
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2004, 10:39:34 AM »
I'm heading to the lanes now so I'll check back in later and let everyone know how it goes...  thanks all

Kid Jete

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Re: What is your focus point as you approach the line?
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2004, 12:44:07 PM »
Well just got back...  used some of everyone advice and it helped out.  I didn't get a chance to put a piece of paper out because the owner wasn't in a great mood and I didn't want to piss him off even more lol.  

Series went like this...

221, 175, 181 for a 577

not really great for most of you here but that's probably one of my best series since I started with 221 being one of my better scores.  Anywya just thought I'd let everyone know.  Thanks again!


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Re: What is your focus point as you approach the line?
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2004, 01:07:03 PM »
Depends on Lane Conditions to tell you where I target..

Normal type conditions.....usually at the arrows....but with a second point about 15 feet past.....hitting my mark...and hitting my mark at the proper angle are two different animals so that is why target two areas....

If lanes are drier/hooking more than normal.......move my mark down the lane quite a bit.....possibly down to 35 feet or so......try to target a dark board...the edge of the gutter or something where I want my ball to get to (break point)

Oiler....bring my mark closer than the arrows....usually about a foot or two in front..........

This usually works well for me.......hope this helps!

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Re: What is your focus point as you approach the line?
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2004, 11:49:39 AM »
     You brought up a good point about PDW.
 Looking at the breakpoint and bringing the line
back, closer as you release the ball.
 When I think about picking up a spare I always
look at the pins and feel the line.If I don't
its a good chance I will miss. So what happens
I get on the approach for a strike,
 look at a selected target
be it arrows or dots and forget the final destinaton.
By looking at the end first as you start and bringing the
target closer as you release seems to make a lot of sense.
 Thanks for the reminder.    