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Author Topic: BTM (Bowling This Month)  (Read 8238 times)


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BTM (Bowling This Month)
« on: August 05, 2016, 05:40:59 PM »
I'm curious, How many of you before buying a ball read the BTM reviews and how much does the ratings impact your decision? It seems to me that BTM caters to Storm and Hammer.They get a lot of 9.5's but the other companies don't. I highly doubt Hammer and Storm are that much better than everybody else...



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Re: BTM (Bowling This Month)
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2016, 06:42:51 PM »
BTM is an excellent magazine to keep up on latest trends and news in the bowling world. The instructional articles are some of the best I have ever read anywhere. As to the ball reviews they do their best to differentiate between and group the new ball releases. Unfortunately there are just to many variables in bowlers, lane conditions, and oil breakdown to take their information as anything more than one piece of a bigger pie.

I never buy any ball without seeing it rolled by a bowler that mimics my ball speed and release on the lane conditions I usually face. I also never buy a ball until it has been around long enough to show it will withstand the test of time. Over the years I have given many junior bowlers balls that were impulse purchases rather than well thought out bowling arsenal needs.   


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Re: BTM (Bowling This Month)
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2016, 06:45:41 PM »
I believe you are laboring under a false assumption, like the majority of human beings, looking for a quick and simple solution. You are looking ONLY at the numbers assigned by the 3 testers and not at the text and the descriptions of the balls. If you look into the text for many of the reviews you will see the statements that at least the tweener and the cranker both love balls that have significant backends.

If you read the text, you will see more detailed observations about the ball, how it used and how they think it cna best be used, often by which type of bowler.

Many Storm and Hammer balls are known for that characteristic, and thus, your assumption that BTM "favors" these brands. BTM does not favor these brands; those two bowlers (and maybe the stroker does also; I don't recall right now) favor that ball reaction.

Those ratings, the number assigned to the ball by each type of bowler for a specific oil amount, are the opinions of the individual bowler, not that of BTM, the magazine.

Yes, many people love balls with huge, sharp backends, but do they always score best with this type if ball. Maybe yes, maybe no. If you are not speed consistent, rev rate consistent and target consistent, such balls may give you 5 strike sper game, but they also, often, give you 2 washout and 3 wide open splits. That is not conducive to a 200-220 average.

You must learn to read the text describing the basic behavior of the ball from both the design perspective and from a use perspective. It depends on the release and delivery traits of the bowler doing the testing, as well as the oil on which it is used. Many reviews, like BTM and BJI (Bowlers' Journal International) now also mention changing the surface to see how they handle different oil pattern. This is also essential knowledge in learning how to analyze a review so you can get the best out of it for your own personal use.

Some balls' behavior stays the same with surface changes; some of them change a lot when you change the surface.

I never go by just the BTM review; I factor in the BJI review, whether they agree or not and I look at videos by people whose release and delivery specs are close to mine. If possible, I'd also like to see someone use it in person. All these factor into the decision.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2016, 06:48:36 PM by charlest »
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Re: BTM (Bowling This Month)
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2016, 08:23:48 PM »
I can not confirm this, but I've heard from a reliable source that the "3" testers is just one person. I used to really follow the ball reviews, but I find visual feedback much better. I will judge ball reactions off of bowlersmart and buddies videos. Dan from buddies and whomever is throwing the ball for bowlersmart and I are very similar.


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Re: BTM (Bowling This Month)
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2016, 12:55:41 AM »
I find that the BTM ball reviews are pretty accurate, at least for me.  I fit into the classic
stroker category with medium-low revs/above average speed. The BJI reviews are fairly good as well, but between the two, I would have to pick the BTM ball reviews.


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Re: BTM (Bowling This Month)
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2016, 01:32:39 PM »
I read as much as you can, watch vids. Best you can do is get a decent idea of the motion you are after. The big booming back end balls rarely, if ever work for me on any challenging patterns. I am after a predictable motion, I can adjust much easier

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Re: BTM (Bowling This Month)
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2016, 02:14:08 PM »
This is one of the reasons I stay with one company.  Once I learn the line, I can dictate which balls are going to be better on the ths and better on the sport shots. For example, I don't like my Boost Pearl on house shots, but sport shots, the thing is money.


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Re: BTM (Bowling This Month)
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2016, 07:26:42 PM »
i discontinued my subscription to BTM. There are many avenues I can take, read, see, know what I'm looking for on a ball. I know what layouts, core type, cover type, and the type of conditions I bowl on which narrows my choices to certain types of balls. BTM is a good mag, but I prefer the older hardcopy vs. the new online stuff.

If I want to watch lessons and tips, USBC bowling academy is great - $8 a year!
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