I've been told if you buy a high performance ball from a pro shop some 20 miles north of here, you end up spending nearly $300. Balls like the Hy-Road, Rival, Grand Illusion, etc that are usually mid priced are around $180-210(drilled) where I go usually. And that's competetive. High Performance are $220-250. It sounds like most people on here get a Hy-Road for around $180 drilled while it's ~$210 here.
The more I think about it, what you pay for is probably the core mainly. The more complex the core is and depending on how much research, technology, and testing went into it, the ball it's in is most likely to be more expensive. High performance balls tend to be called that because of the core. Asymmetric cored balls mainly will usually be more expensive than symmetric cored balls. This is just what I think and I'm sure it's not always the case, but I think it's safe to say that's generally how it is.