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Author Topic: What justifies the high price of a ball?  (Read 1929 times)


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What justifies the high price of a ball?
« on: May 27, 2009, 02:53:23 PM »
I can never understand why some balls sell for more than $150( before drilling). The Elite Red Alien costs $290!? I know certain balls by Lane Masters and Visionary have no filler and thus cost more to make. But what about the rest?

My $79 Blue Vibe had excellent power and carry and my $114 Cell would "find" the pocket almost every time. We all know Wes Malott been dominating the PBA with it. Others won championships with inexpensive balls like the Hyroad and Zone.

2 older pro shop owners told me years ago the expensive balls had "high performance" cores. What are the cores made of? Gold?

Anyway, after I bought a few balls from one of those guys, one day in his shop I saw him plugging a used ball. I asked him what it was and he said,"An over priced piece of junk." Wonder if he'll say the same to the pricey "new" balls he that I am one of his better customers.


joe 26

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Re: What justifies the high price of a ball?
« Reply #16 on: May 28, 2009, 07:13:14 PM »
well i know if you bowl college you get the wholesale price which is cool until u stop bowling college lol

If the ball in question is hot, you are last in line to get it.


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Re: What justifies the high price of a ball?
« Reply #17 on: May 28, 2009, 08:01:55 PM »
This one guy from my house who brings 8 $200+ balls with him everywhere, and only averages 160-170. and there is this one senior bowlers still using his Faball Hammers, and dominates the rack, averaging 215-220, so skill > equipment any time

I carry 5 balls to league most of the time... at least 3 are the $200 balls (actually $300 here) but one is the fabal black hammer that you mentioned



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Re: What justifies the high price of a ball?
« Reply #18 on: May 28, 2009, 08:37:28 PM »
I'm surprised no one mentioned Lane#1 sooner.

I have 2 of their balls.  Chainsaw and the Massacre.  I knew the Lane#1 balls cost a bit more and I purchased them at the suggestion of my PSG because he knew I was looking for a certain reaction.  

The funny thing is, on THS, my money ball has been my Avalanche Pearl.  I paid $50 something for it (when Buddies Pro Shop had a special on them).  The ball has given me my highest series to date, (699).  Not that the other balls in my arsenal don't work but they are very condition specific at times.  

Of the 6 balls I have....

Wild Ride
Smash Zone
Avalanche Slide
Avalanche Pearl
Zone Classic
Chainsaw and Massacre

The lower priced equipment always seems to work just as good if not better.

The bowler formerly known as BrunsRod.
Solid 7 Pin??  299 Game??!! WTF


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Re: What justifies the high price of a ball?
« Reply #19 on: May 28, 2009, 09:13:40 PM »

$160 for a Creature actually sounds fair, $123 seems like a GREAT deal.  Then again, Vibes are $150 here and I'm sure they're cheaper in most other area so that may be why I think that.  Avalanche Solids are $160 as well I think.


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Re: What justifies the high price of a ball?
« Reply #20 on: May 28, 2009, 09:54:43 PM »
Creature is discontinued....probably the reason for such a good price.


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Re: What justifies the high price of a ball?
« Reply #21 on: May 28, 2009, 10:37:16 PM »
I just bought TWO BRAND NEW BALLS and I have less than $300 IN THEM BOTH (much less), including drilling and inserts.

 I got an A.M.F. Villain and an A.M.F. Orbit Extreme. I'm averaging about 215 with them, or at least I was until tonight when I shot 748!
Good transactions list in my profile

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Re: What justifies the high price of a ball?
« Reply #22 on: May 28, 2009, 11:11:25 PM »
At what amount of dollars does a ball become high priced?

Money is relative to different people. $25 may seem like a lot to some not to others.

Quantums cost $200+ nearly 15 years ago and they sold like hot cakes. That would probably be like $300 for a ball today.

People will pay more for technology they think will allow them to score better without any effort other than there wallet on there part.

If a legal ball with a self guidance system was put out that ensured you to shoot a 300 in the first 30 games I bet you could sell them for a $1000 and there would be a line of bowlers waiting to buy.

i think that technology is well worth the price ...
but with lane 1 well... they have a core that was made in the 1990's  and they have only  made a few modifications and theyre selling them at low$220 for an old core with a coverstock made of all the mixes that where left from(columbia and brunswick in their times and now global 900)... by the way i think that's one of the factors of this company low sales and no staffers and pba shows... !!
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Re: What justifies the high price of a ball?
« Reply #23 on: May 29, 2009, 12:15:39 AM »
I just bought TWO BRAND NEW BALLS and I have less than $300 IN THEM BOTH (much less), including drilling and inserts.

 I got an A.M.F. Villain and an A.M.F. Orbit Extreme. I'm averaging about 215 with them, or at least I was until tonight when I shot 748!
Good transactions list in my profile

"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."
Albert Einstein

Nice shooting! Good example of good balls don't need to be expensive.

Most of you guys say it's the "technology". But if they spent weeks and months to develop a ball that's not any better than ones came out years ago, what's the point? They have even brought back a few "proven" cores from years ago. "most" mid price balls are pretty good today and would work good for most "good" bowlers with proper surface and drilling.

I really don't see too much of "break through" technology to justify any ball that cost twice as much as say, a Vibe or an Avalanche( internet price before drilling). When the Cell came out I got mine for $114. Since then the price has gone up because it's successful and popular. I would say the Cell has some kind of break through tech. in it yet it does not cost an arm and a leg.......

To me, there are only 2 possible reasons. (1) The company spends a lot of money to produce the ball, they have to sell it at a high price( sounds like US auto makers). Or (2) They are just greedy and want to make profit selling 1 ball instead of 3? Either way, it's poor marketing that's my 2 cents.....