If the heads aren't burnt, and the center just used a "fill in" run with the machine (probably what you are facing when you encounter oil up front and a spotty break point due to open bowlers lazer bowling the night before). The best thing I have found to do is use something with a little surface (around 800 matte for me) usually drilled to be early, arcy, and smooth playing a more direct line from outside.
With the spotty back ends your carry will be better when you play this from outside angles. And you might have to play almost starting it toward the pocket with no projection to the right in these situations to stay consistant (if your trying to slightly swing it and "hit-it" to get reaction you'll create over under).
You can get lined up playing inside more but it's 10 pin city. We have a house that does this, and it really sucks. It's a Brunswick house with new synthetic lanes (about 1 year old now).