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Author Topic: What kind of ball????  (Read 877 times)


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What kind of ball????
« on: April 25, 2004, 10:43:11 AM »
I'm getting back into bowling after 10 years of being away. I need help in finding the right ball for me. I'm 65 yrs old. 5'8", 180 lbs. Active in other sports. I will be bowling on a med dry lane. I throw the ball at a medium speed. Medium rev. Not a big hook. I was throwing a 16 lb ball before but I think that might be to heavy for me now. Price is not a problem. Could someone suggest 2, 3 or 4 balls that would be right for me. Thanks for your suggestions.



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Re: What kind of ball????
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2004, 02:36:06 AM »
Welcome!  I would suggest you pick a company or two and purchase their midpriced offerings.  Since you have been gone 10 years many things have changed.  Bowling ball companies mass produce balls like they are going out of style.  

The mid priced offerings from each company should run about 150 at any proshop.
Brunswick-->Monster series
Ebonite-->Vortex Series
Hammer-->Blade Series
Track-->havoc series

I am a Brunswick fan, but I wouldn't only recommend a brunswick to you.  I have seen great things from the Hammer blade series.  You could set up a nice 3 ball aresenal with them.  

Hammer Blades:
Sharp Blade
Blade Reactive not the pearl the solid
Sling Blade

Warp Zone alittle more than 150 maybe 170ish
Monster Bruiser
Power Groove reactive under a hundred at most shops

V2 Strong or V2 Particle
V2 Sanded
V2 clean or V2 dry

Storm makes great stuff too.  

These are nothing more than suggestions.  I hope I can help.  Feel free to message me with any questions.


"Act like you've been there before"

Edited on 4/26/2004 4:18 AM


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Re: What kind of ball????
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2004, 04:09:05 AM »
Andrew,  You may be jumping the gun a little if Bob is only bowling on medium dry lanes by recommending some of those oilers. The other recommendations seem good.


I'd recommend something that I'm not sure you're familiar with: a plastic spare ball. Lane oil these days can vary sooooo much and many resin balls can be so flippy compared to urethane balls (10 years ago was just about the beginning of the resin ball age), I think throwing a plastic ball at most spares takes the lane oil out of the picture and relies solely on accuracy.

Next, if you're truly bowling on medium-dry lane condiitons, I'd start off with one, at most 2 strike balls: one for light to medium- light oil and, two, for medium oil patterns.

Suggestions: (light oil ball, then medium ball)
Brunswick: Power Groove (resin pearl) and Bruiser
Columbia: Scout or Wild (resin pearl) and Detour
Storm: Barbed Wire and Flash Force
Dyno-Thane: Crisis and Vendetta Black
Roto-Grip: Sonic-X pearl and Retro Resurrection
Hammer: Sling Blade and Blade solid

"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."
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Re: What kind of ball????
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2004, 08:04:20 AM »
First ball I would suggest is a White Dot.  Unless you are one very talented bowler, making spares with an agressive covered modern ball is nothing more than a crap shoot.  It is a whole lot easier to throw a shot similar to your strike ball with the plastic knowning it won't hook, than to try to kill a ball whose sole purpose is to hook.

Second ball I'd suggest is a pearl reactive from just about any company.  On the medium dry lanes you want something to get down the lane easily, not something that wants to hook at 35 feet.  This will let you throw a straighter line and still have more than enough finish to give you the pin action you need for strings of strikes.

I would then get a light or medium load particle ball.  It would augment the resin ball by giving you a more controlled gentler break into the pins, a shot that is easier to control when the lanes are breaking down into funny oil patterns where the resin ball reads too much.

From there you can polish the covers or scuff them to fine tune their reaction.  I'd probably just get one strike ball to start with and then when you can see what it does or doesn't do, you are in a better position to get a ball to complement the first one.


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Re: What kind of ball????
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2004, 08:08:18 AM »
what charlest said!!!
"by the time I had returned home, grandma had eaten most of the porcupines!"  Bob Kliban