Ive done found out that my little 195 average wont cut it in the scratch tournaments and I cant seem to do any good in the handicap tournaments around here.
I’ve been shooting our local 9 pin tournament for about a month now. I realize this isn’t real bowling but there are some definite advantages. The main one being I have a chance to keep up.
Practice games at my house run $3 a game. Our 9 pin tournament only costs me $15 and gives me the chance to win something.
The biggest advantage though is all the old guys that bowl this. It surprises me how they’ll give me any advice I ask for even during the tournament. All the free coaching I want.
Even though I like to crank the ball, they are teaching me how to control the ball and keep it in play. My natural strike percentage has improved on my leagues, spares are a lot simpler. It seems like I don’t leave as many 2-8-10s.
I still haven’t gotton over the shakes going up against them in the step ladder finals though. These guys just don’t miss. All in all though, I think it is good practice in a competive atmosphere.