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Author Topic: What kind of knee brace/support should I buy?  (Read 3007 times)


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What kind of knee brace/support should I buy?
« on: January 29, 2011, 10:55:35 AM »
Lately when I've been bowling a little bit during, but moreso afterwards, I get pain slightly under the knee of my left leg (plant foot). And can feel the pain more when I stand on only my left leg and push my body up and down. After looking at charts of a knee versus where the pain is, I believe it is my MCL that is hurting. The pain is only very slight now, but I want to get on top of this before it gets worse. What kind of knee brace should I get for this, the one "expensive" one I've been looking at is here. 
Are there ones made specifically for bowling? Are they any better than something like that? Or would something like one of these be better for a fraction of the price?
 Anyway, somebody set, me straight, thanks!



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Re: What kind of knee brace/support should I buy?
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2011, 11:58:53 PM »
I've been using the garden-variety Wal-Mart braces that run about $15 each. They're not hinged, just velcro top and bottom with some metal reinforcing pieces inside them. I forget which brand they are. They last about 3-6 months before the velcro gives out.


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Re: What kind of knee brace/support should I buy?
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2011, 01:00:52 AM »
It's totally taken care of your knee pain/problems?


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Re: What kind of knee brace/support should I buy?
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2011, 01:04:20 AM »
I have both one of those straps and that exact hinged support. They are both great for different things. If you think it is the MCL you should go for the hinged support. It will not impede you range of motion in any way and will definitely help with pain as it is both a compression and a stabilizing support.

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Re: What kind of knee brace/support should I buy?
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2011, 01:29:08 AM »
I'm pretty sure it's either MCL or this thing mentioned in this article. 
.Pes anserine bursitis.
Medial or inside.  Pain on the medial or inside of the knee can be due to a medial meniscus tear.  These hurt especially with squatting or twisting maneuvers sometimes there is a catching or locking sensation.  Medial knee pain can also be from medial knee osteoarthritis.  Occasionally pain just to the inner side of the kneecap and quite localized can be due to a medial plica syndrome.Pes anserine bursitis also hurts medially, but more where the upper shin meets the knee. 
But having said that, do you think I should go with the hinging one then 
Edited by danprince10 on 1/30/2011 at 2:29 AM


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Re: What kind of knee brace/support should I buy?
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2011, 04:18:17 AM »


This is the brace I recently bought and use. I really like it. I did find what was causing the pain to begin with in my slide, and use the brace as an added support.


For me the problem (I've noticed to be common) is my slide foot was open when I slide, and when I stopped at the foul line. I'm right handed, when I looked down my toes were pointing left. When I worked on keeping my foot a little straighter or turned just a little more in while taking my last step/slide, the pain went away.


I've noticed a lot of other bowlers do the same thing with their slide foot.

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