I am thinking of completely changing my equipment before
I go to nationals. It may seem foolish and premature but
hear me out. Since I have been back bowling, about 3 years
now, I have considered myself to be a fairly decent bowler.
I have carried pretty consistant averages, 200 + , with
games that I consider high, 240 or above, at least once
or twice a week in my 4 leagues that I bowled in.
Here is the problem, right now I couldn't hit a bull in
the a** with a bass fiddle. I am in the slump of all
slumps. There has been a lot going on in my life lately
that I know is causing some of this like, my wife being
transferred and us having to move to a new town, a new
job for me that is just not working out, not knowing
anyone in the new center that we are at and so on.
My confidence level pertaining to bowling is in the
dumper. The reason that I think changing equipment
might help is because mentally I don't think I can do
very well with what I have, and we all know how mental
this game is. Like I said foolish or premature maybe, and
I am not one who endorses quick fix remedies, but at this
point I will try anything. I owe my teammates that much.
If you want to play, train your body.
If you want to win, train your heart.
Edited on 6/6/2004 9:54 PM