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Author Topic: What line?  (Read 1668 times)


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What line?
« on: June 08, 2003, 08:17:56 AM »
I'm bowling in a wood house that is becoming very worn in the track area.
In winter leagues they were using a lot of head oil, and I had some success playing outside of the 8 board with aggressive equipment. In the summer the oil is much lighter. I find that line is no longer there. My aggressive particle stuff grabs early and everything else grabs too late leaving many nasty washouts. I also am carrying under 50% of pocket hits. I'm more accustomed to 80% carry. I've played everywhere from 5-20 at the arrows and I feel like I have to make a perfect shot just to hit the pocket and get tapped. It is playing very dry at 10, medium oil inside 10 and heavy oil outside 8. I'm going nuts here. I'm a fairly high speed medium rev up the backer. Any thoughts on how to play this shot? I can't find a Da*n thing!!

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Re: What line?
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2003, 11:30:35 PM »
I am not sure what kind of pattern you are describing here but if it is actually heavier outside 8 than it is at 10. I would try a line that has you going somewhere around 14-16 at the arrows and 9-11 at break point. Hard to say without seeing ball reaction. I would also play with varying degrees of axis rotation to delay reaction, more axis rotation = later roll.
Hope this helps.


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Re: What line?
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2003, 12:01:07 AM »
It isn't really the oil pattern that is causing the problem. It's a pretty standard christmas tree. The problem is that the lane surface itself is worn around the ten board causing extra friction in that area. I usually play outside ten here because I don't have the hand to play deeper inside on fresh oil. That just isn't working anymore.

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10 In The Pit

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Re: What line?
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2003, 12:42:33 AM »
What I've seen work before when the track area was burned out was to move over towards the outside boards, square up to play down and in, and find yourself a home somewhere on the outside 8 boards.  Since most traffic has worn the finish down around the 10 board and most bowlers fear playing out around the first arrow, the finish outside is much smoother and will hold what little bit of oil is put out there pretty well.  If you are the only one playing the down and in line from way outside, then you can likely find yourself a home out there for 3 games.   I used to have pretty good luck playing this line on similar condition wood lanes, using a dull Burgundy Hammer.  Pick a board outside and try to keep the ball on that board for 45 feet.....then once the ball comes off the oil, it should roll up nicely.

The above sounds like you are playing a reverse block, but in actuality, the lane conditions in the track area have literally built up a reverse block condition (although you might also have heavy oil deep inside).  Once you find a line on the outside boards, you can adjust with either speed or surface to control your breakpoint.  While all of this might not work out for you, at least it might be worth a try anyway.

In the similar situation that I used to get into frequently, the track area between 8 and 12 was totally fried, due to lack of lane maintenance.  If I moved inside, I couldn't get the ball back.  If I played the track, it was Brooklyn city.  When I moved outside and played down and in, I had a fairly decent shot.

Edited on 6/9/2003 0:51 AM


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Re: What line?
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2003, 12:45:30 AM »
good advice!

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Re: What line?
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2003, 05:02:43 PM »
I've had success with both what Bob Hanson & 10ITP suggested.

If it's really oily & I have enough room on the inside of the track, I liked my Aggression in the middle, not much side roll & a little bit of a swing, almost using the track as a wall. Very similar to C. Dorin-Ballard's line if you saw her this weekend.

If there's not enough hold in the middle I've got 2 urethanes that I play down & in from the twig, either my dull burgandy hammer or my red pearl hammer depending on how much head oil there is.

IMHO Nothing beats the smooth consistant arc of a urethane on spotty conditions like that, especially if you're like me & have trouble revving it up to play it way deep.