I think, in my experience, the Blue Dot was not only a better spare ball than the White Dot, but it seemed to make a better dry lanes strike ball. It can't have been more "dynamic" since it also had a plain pancake core as the White Dot.
The original Blue Dot has been out of production for 5 - 6 years now. Unless someone has saved one (see above), there's none available anywhere. The current Blue Dot has the same hardness as the White Dot but it has slightly less elasticity. It is nothing like the original Blue Dot.
If you really don't want a pancake cored plastic ball to hook at all, have your driller put the CG on your PAP and drill through it to remove the top/side weight. You might want to seek a low top weight ball.
"None are so blind as those who will not see." "Some bowlers are crazy as pickled cats."