Regarding Red/White/Blue...
Someone said White is supposed to be easy for the tweener. I'm a tweener, and my reaction to that comment is.....ehnotsomuch.
We bowled a RWB league this past fall. On Red and Blue, I averaged around 210. On White, my average was low enough to pull my overall average to 187 (we spent twice as much time on White as the other two patterns, though, so the games weren't equal). This was on AMF HPL surface.
What I noticed about White was the hold went away. I still had recovery, but no hold. On Blue, I lost my recovery but had hold for days. When the shot is like that, I love it, as I can compete with bowlers much better than me. White was the total opposite, though. Pull it even a little bit, and it was gone. And it broke down super-quick.