There are 2 ways to look that comment...yes, players are paid by companies to use that they will and do find a way to best maximize that equipment...but at what point does a player match up with said equipment or do they either change their games to utilize that equipment, thus devaluing their natural abilities or necessitate manipulation to said equipment?
As I mentioned earlier, in a sense due to integrity, there is only so much I will post, but understand, certain styles of players will benefit certain motions created by certain covers...others will go where the money leads them...and in true side by side comparisons, you'd be surprised...and it has nothing to do with 'if it was the greatest equipment, everyone would be throwing it'...certain styles do NOT match up well with all motions/reactions...there are more variables, the biggest is response to friction...this is what effects angles and what angles are being created by this...if they are proper for pin carry...optimum pin carry is created by proper entry angle...
Sorry you do not feel this is true...your opinion is yours...but be open minded and don't believe all the marketing or what the reps profess...they're paid to...