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Author Topic: What Should I Do?  (Read 3081 times)


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What Should I Do?
« on: May 14, 2004, 01:01:26 AM »
My son, Nick (14), was suspended for the rest of the term for bringing alcohol to school.  He's not a drinker, but thought it would be "cool."  I'm seeking counseling for him.

My first thought is to lock him up for the rest of his life, but reason is beginning to take over.  My question is:  He's a very good bowler and bowls in a scholarship league as well as JBTs.  Do I take away bowling from him as punishment?  There has to be some consequence for his action, but should I take away something for which I believe he has a great talent?  He's already not permitted to go to the junior high graduation ceremony.

Help!  Only serious replies please.

RIP Thong Princess and Sawbones



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Re: What Should I Do?
« Reply #16 on: May 15, 2004, 01:47:25 PM »
Uh, Joe, I think you mean "pray"....Prey means something a whole lot different....  Sounds a little scary.


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Re: What Should I Do?
« Reply #17 on: May 15, 2004, 01:49:38 PM »
That wasn't a typo error .. a legitimate error .. hope it didn't take from the understanding .. thanks ..
Hit them light and watch them fight
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RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!

Michael DeSantis

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Re: What Should I Do?
« Reply #18 on: May 15, 2004, 01:59:53 PM »

I have an 18 year-old girl and I always keep my fingers crossed.  So far, so good.  She did go to a social counselor when she was having some problems and it helped her quite a bit.  Be patient and firm, and if you feel your son is at risk, get him some counseling.  Good luck.

"Chopping Wood For over Two Decades"
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Re: What Should I Do?
« Reply #19 on: May 15, 2004, 02:03:53 PM »
To All Who Helped Out:

Wow, what a great group of people you are!  You don't know how much it's helped us.  I've shared the replies with my son.  He insists that there isn't a "deeper" problem, that he's just been lazy and made some terrible choices. I'm on the fence about this -- I'm not so sure there isn't a deeper problem (hubby wears rose colored glasses). Nick is actually looking forward to counseling.  And I agree, family counseling is needed as well.

To the person who asked where he obtained the liquor:  from our liquor cabinet.  I've never thought to lock it up or even check the bottles, since we primarily drink only wine (me) or beer (hubby) once in a while.  Guess I'll have to be more vigilant now.

Once again, thanks for all of your wise and intelligent replies.

RIP Thong Princess and Sawbones


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Re: What Should I Do?
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2004, 08:06:35 AM »
Hi Debs,
Heres my take on it... As a parent and teacher!!

A lot of early teenagers experience a decline in grades, most often it is a temporary thing.. Lack of interest, and a feeling of "I already have done that", and even "I already know that", both very frequent responses.. In later high schooling they have more choices in subjects, this helps interest and motivation... In regards to his new found friends, THAT would and SHOULD be one of your biggest problems.. Teach him to be strong and independent in thought/decision making and follow the right way..(assuming you and hubby have been doing this since Nic was born... repetitive and clear rules and expectations.. its the only way to go).. If this doesn't work immediately don't panic, repeat your expectations on him, reasonably ones though..If his friends are the reason behind his behaviour and grades, then suggest (and u can only suggest), that he find another group. There is nothing cool about failing at high school, (i know this as a result of having gone through it, and also the lack of interest/motivation, and in hindsight group of friends, I will never forget having to go back to school at the age of 22 feeling like man, why didn't I just get on with the job at school instead of being "cool" and hanging out smoking,drinking,etc..).

You need to surround Nic with positive people (influences)in life, it will undoubtably rub off, this includes friends at school/home, family members and sporting organizations (thats why keep him on the lanes and out of trouble).

In regards to the alcohol, don't sweat too much, if its a once off, not a big deal, an appropriate punishment, nothing too severe. Regarding bowling, let him continue... However an earlier poster mentioned that perhaps this was not Nic's first time dabbling with the Devil's juice.. You need to address this if this is true, counselling is an excellent option..

I see where I work, the results of lack lustre parenting and general poor family management, kids turning up late, poorly dressed, bad manners, bad attitude, no interest in school... Our kids are a product of ourselves.. The fact that you openly discussed this on a bowling forum suggests to me that you are a decent parent/mother.. Keep going, don't ever give in, continually reinforce positive behaviour and performances.. Finally lots of love..
Hope this might help!

Peace Looseleftie

matt smith

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Re: What Should I Do?
« Reply #21 on: May 18, 2004, 09:24:13 AM »

Im am in the transition stage. Im not a parent, im not a school kid. Im 19, so ive been around the block a few times, seen this, done that etc etc. You definitly need to punish your child. But to what extent I do not know.

Because your son took some grog to school doesnt mean anything bad about him. When I was in grade 10 (god i hope my parents dont read this) I too once took alcohol to school, and so did a few of my mates. It wasnt that we were tryin to be cool, and it wasnt that we were bad students. It was exploration. Grade 10, and around that age, is when teenagers (at least me and my friends) started to spread our wings so to speak, and explore life.

It was this time and the surrounding years, that we started trying new things, like alcohol, smoking (not me), girls, bad grades (me). Without trying to go all Dr. Phill on you here, its just a phase. Me and my friends took alcohol to school once a week for 3 weeks, and too this day hardly any of us drink. In the last year I have consumed alcohol 4 times, and only once consumed enough to feel the effects.

The fact that he tried it now, and got caught could infact turn out to be a good thing. Hell if my friends and I were caught i can guarentee you that none of us would EVER have touched the stuff again.

I dont really know where im going with this post anymore, but I think what im trying to say is, dont be too hard on the boy. Its better he tried it now, and got busted, then gettin smashed at a party (not saying that he would, but you know) and doing something REALLY bad.

Its my opinion that you shouldn't take bowling away from him. Ground him, hell yea, but give him a break! How many people here never drank before they were legally able to?

Besides, some of think that bowling can be punishment enough anyway

good luck and high scoring
m/ Viva La Metal Militia!! m/