Mojo, ...thanks ! If I didn't think I'd throw out my elbow....maybe I would! 
Well....here's the deal.......my strike ball had the new span....my spare ball did not ! I know, I know...."WELL DUMMY,...no wonder !" I know........But I don't want that as an excuse, because it's not!!/font=Arial]
Remember, one who expects nothing....is NEVER dissapointed !
Ok, Jeff, you know I rarely do this, except for when someone really needs it, but I think you need a prod in the right direction -
Well, DUH!Folks, I think we have discovered one part of Jeff's problem.
Plastic spare balls are cheap; get a White Dot or whatever you like drilled with the new span. Either that or use that new-span strike ball only in practice. Now is NOT the time to cheap out. All balls should feel the same.
Also, others have added some good ideas; think about what you're doing when you're doing it. Worrying about others will only hinder your focus. You help the team more by your bowling than by your worrying.
10 pins: When you leave one, don't get mad, don't start calculating scores in your mind, don't think about why you left it, don't start making corrections in your mind. The first and ONLY order of business is to MAKE THE DARN SPARE. This may sound trite and banal, but it's something you need to think about. From all the years I have been watching people, this is the 99.9999% reason why they miss an easy spare and a 10 pin is an easy spare. That is because right handers of over 200 average leave this spare more than any other; it should be easy.
(I am not saying you do this, but ..)
When I see someone throw a temper tantrum of any degree after he/she leaves a 10 pin, you can bet $50 on the next 20 instances of this and make $900. People who do that have already missed the spare. Get mad AFTER you make the spare. No, you're not going to make every one of them, but you'll make more this way.
"Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it."