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What the !@#$^ ???
« on: October 14, 2003, 04:37:07 PM »
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Re: What the !@#$^ ???
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2003, 08:07:09 AM »'s not that I can't find a line....I can't make a spare !!  So that particular house shouldn't matter....a 10 pin is a 10 pin, ya know ?
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Re: What the !@#$^ ???
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2003, 08:11:40 AM »

If this bowling was done with your new span, you DO have to give yourself sometime to become accustomed to it. You might have been thinking about it too much. OR you just might have been thinking too much, in general. You've got to relax AND focus.
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Re: What the !@#$^ ???
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2003, 08:20:52 AM »
Bowl a practice session shooting 10 pins from different angles. I find that different angles can help loosen up the throw and make it easier to kick any bad habits.


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Re: What the !@#$^ ???
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2003, 08:34:28 AM »
Mojo, ...thanks !  If I didn't think I'd throw out my elbow....maybe I would!

Charlest,'s the strike ball had the new spare ball did not !  I know, I know...."WELL DUMMY, wonder !" I know........But I don't want that as an excuse, because it's not!!

Remember, one who expects NEVER dissapointed !

Edited on 10/15/2003 9:07 AM


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Re: What the !@#$^ ???
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2003, 08:50:48 AM »
Mojo, ...thanks !  If I didn't think I'd throw out my elbow....maybe I would!

Charlest,'s the strike ball had the new spare ball did not !  I know, I know...."WELL DUMMY, wonder !" I know........But I don't want that as an excuse, because it's not!!/font=Arial]
Remember, one who expects NEVER dissapointed !

Ok, Jeff, you  know I rarely do this, except for when someone really needs it, but I think you need a prod in the right direction -

Well, DUH!

Folks, I think we have discovered one part of Jeff's problem.

Plastic spare balls are cheap; get a White Dot or whatever you like drilled with the new span. Either that or use that new-span strike ball only in practice. Now is NOT the time to cheap out. All balls should feel the same.

Also, others have added some good ideas; think about what you're doing when you're doing it. Worrying about others will only hinder your focus. You help the team more by your bowling than by your worrying.

10 pins: When you leave one, don't get mad, don't start calculating scores in your mind, don't think about why you left it, don't start making corrections in your mind. The first and ONLY order of business is to MAKE THE DARN SPARE. This may sound trite and banal, but it's something you need to think about. From all the years I have been watching people, this is the 99.9999% reason why they miss an easy spare and a 10 pin is an easy spare. That is because right handers of over 200 average leave this spare more than any other; it should be easy.

(I am not saying you do this, but ..)
When I see someone throw a temper tantrum of any degree after he/she leaves a 10 pin, you can bet $50 on the next 20 instances of this and make $900. People who do that have already missed the spare. Get mad AFTER you make the spare. No, you're not going to make every one of them, but you'll make more this way.

"Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it."
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Re: What the !@#$^ ???
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2003, 08:58:05 AM »
Hi Jeff.  Missing those ten pins has nothing to do with the ten pin.

??? I didn't say it did ??

 You are missing your mark, not the ten pin.  Missing the ten pin is just the result of missing your mark.  I can see that while I sit here in my mansion in Howell, MI.  Its that easy to see.

Not entirely true mansion dweller.....only 1 time I missed my mark....3rd's the angle I'm crossing it.....

I just think you could use some practice.  You also need to stop giving a crap what everyone else on your team is doing and get your game in shape.  Who cares if they shoot big scores?  You need to focus on you.

I do need practice, haven't had time're right there!
And I am focusing on me! Probably too's just embarrassing that's all


"Gold member-slow member. You cats got rooked. Nice investment.  Wanna buy some swamp land on the moon?"

Dude,...isnt't that getting a little old.....get over it
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Re: What the !@#$^ ???
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2003, 09:04:11 AM »

I screwed around with my spans two years ago.  It was tough to get used to but even tougher when you have several balls with different spans.  Trust me, I know from experience.  What did you do with your span?  Longer? Shorter? Thumb pitch?  What did you change?  Sorry if you said it in another post but I haven't been around here in a while so I missed it.

Clutch....shortened was way too long!  And, because of that, my thumb pitch changed too.  It FEELS great, now I just have to DO ! Ya know ?  King of the Mill is my new driller ! "KOTM....Super Genius!!"
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Re: What the !@#$^ ???
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2003, 09:15:40 AM »
Mojo, ...thanks !  If I didn't think I'd throw out my elbow....maybe I would!

Charlest,'s the strike ball had the new spare ball did not !  I know, I know...."WELL DUMMY, wonder !" I know........But I don't want that as an excuse, because it's not!!

Remember, one who expects NEVER dissapointed !

Ok, Jeff, you  know I rarely do this, except for when someone really needs it, but I think you need a prod in the right direction -

Well, DUH!

Folks, I think we have discovered one part of Jeff's problem.

Plastic spare balls are cheap; get a White Dot or whatever you like drilled with the new span. Either that or use that new-span strike ball only in practice. Now is NOT the time to cheap out. All balls should feel the same.

Why does everyone assume I don't have plastic!  I use a polyester spare ball (Roto Grip Cosmos)...I HAVE PLASTIC!

Also, others have added some good ideas; think about what you're doing when you're doing it. Worrying about others will only hinder your focus. You help the team more by your bowling than by your worrying.

I don't "worry"....but when you're team is all 220s and you produce a's kind of easy to notice !!!

10 pins: When you leave one, don't get mad, don't start calculating scores in your mind, don't think about why you left it, don't start making corrections in your mind.

I don't get mad when I leave a 10 pin...I've never got mad after leaving a 10 pin...and I never start thinking about adjustments.  The first thing that goes thru my head when I leave the 10 is....OK, nice shot, now go get it !


(I am not saying you do this, but ..)
When I see someone throw a temper tantrum of any degree after he/she leaves a 10 pin, you can bet $50 on the next 20 instances of this and make $900. People who do that have already missed the spare. Get mad AFTER you make the spare. No, you're not going to make every one of them, but you'll make more this way.

See above....I know it's not towards me, but....I don't get mad when I leave a 10 pin.........
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Re: What the !@#$^ ???
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2003, 09:39:10 AM »
You don't get mad when you leave a ten pin?  Jeff look at your post.  You are pissed about missing a 10 pin. Those are your words.
"Gold member-slow member. You cats got rooked. Nice investment.  Wanna buy some swamp land on the moon?"

About missing the spare !!!!!!!  Re-read it Clutch!  I said I don't get mad when I throw my strike ball and LEAVE a 10 pisses me off when I miss the spare're confusing the responses
Remember, one who expects NEVER dissapointed !

Edited on 10/15/2003 9:48 AM


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Re: What the !@#$^ ???
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2003, 09:45:46 AM »
Yes, I am truely confused.  You say that you do not get mad at missing the ten pin but I can read your posts about being pissed over it.  Then you say that you do not get mad but then you state that you get mad after missing the spare.  Whats the deal? Is sawbones around?
"Gold member-slow member. You cats got rooked. Nice investment.  Wanna buy some swamp land on the moon?"

OK, TBU....knock it, I'll spell it out for you!!

When I throw a ball and leave the 10 pin on my FIRST BALL, (i.e; strike ball)I don't get mad.....but it pisses me off when I miss the spare.

get it ?

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Re: What the !@#$^ ???
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2003, 09:48:09 AM »
You said, "I may as well just sit down."  What does that mean?  Are you happy about sitting down or pissed about having to miss another spare?
"Gold member-slow member. You cats got rooked. Nice investment.  Wanna buy some swamp land on the moon?"

NO, no it again....past tense....meaning last night my spare shooting at the 10 pin was so bad, I may as well just have SAT down.  Meaning, I was missing my 10 pins......

Don't make a mockery of it know what I mean,...I'm frustrated and bowling terrible.......please

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Re: What the !@#$^ ???
« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2003, 09:57:51 AM »

We are trying to help. You're getting upset at us for no reason and you are reading too fast.

I didn't say you were not using plastic. By your own admission your spare ball (a plastic one) is not drilled the same as your strike ball. This is not a good thing and can easily be a big part of the reason why you're missing the 10 pin. I meant buy a new one because getting a ball plugged abd redrilled can be a lon, time consuming process.

The other solution is to use this new strike ball only in practice and use your old strike balls and old spare balls, all with the old grip in leagues just so you're using the same grip.

Next, I specifically said you may not one of theose people who gets mad at leaving the 10 pin, but that thought along with all the other thoughts (about things other than the making of the 10 pin spare) that tend to confuse the issue while our main objective is to make the 10 pin.

You or someone else said you were worried about the team. ALl I suggested was one's thought processes should, must be focused on the execution of the moment. Anything else is counterproductive.

Is it clear that we are not attacking you? that all we are doing is making some general suggestions to HELP you.

OK, why do you think you were missing 10 pin spares all of a sudden that night?

"Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it."
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Re: What the !@#$^ ???
« Reply #13 on: October 15, 2003, 10:01:11 AM »

Read again what you posted above.  I think you will find a lot of your problem is in the negative self talk you are subjecting yourself to every time you leave a 10 pin in that centre.  The more you talk to yourself like that (either mentally or verbally), the worse you are going to go.  As a result, now every time you look at a 10 pin, you have already effectively talked yourself into missing it.

Brenton, see my other response to charlest,...I don' t get mad when I leave a 10 first response is usually something like this "OK, good shot, now pick it up" know what I mean


I can talk from experience in this matter, because I am a habitual negative self talker and it takes a lot of mental energy to discipline myself not to do that.  However when I can discipline myself that way, I bowl better, my swing is a lot freer, my release cleaner and I am just a nicer person to be around.

So I would try changing your mental outlook next time you go into that centre and if you can cut out the negative self talk, even when you happen to miss a 10 pin (yes, you are human, you are allowed to be imperfect!), you will probably find you are leaving a lot fewer 10 pins to shoot at anyway.

Good luck!

Brenton, thanks !! Funny thing is,...I usually follow a 10 pin miss with a strike !  I do everthing I can not to get upset because I know it only makes things worse!  Like golf !  So I try to stay positive and ask myself "ok, what am I going to do now to make-up for that " ! That works for me.....remember....I cleared my head and made a 10 pin in the last game! Boy did that feel good !

Thanks again Brenton!

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Re: What the !@#$^ ???
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2003, 10:26:54 AM »

We are trying to help. You're getting upset at us for no reason and you are reading too fast.

charlest, yes, I know....still frustrated....I apologize!

I didn't say you were not using plastic. By your own admission your spare ball (a plastic one) is not drilled the same as your strike ball.

No, didn't, you're right, I did read into that , but it does come across that way a little because you suggested buying a White dot, and said they're cheap..that's why I clarified.   You are correct, NO, it's not drilled the same "yet"'s going in tomorrow !!

This is not a good thing and can easily be a big part of the reason why you're missing the 10 pin. I meant buy a new one because getting a ball plugged abd redrilled can be a lon, time consuming process.

I agree !  I'll be getting it fixed because I'll be away on business for a few days and I'll have time to get it re-drilled.

Next, I specifically said you may not one of theose people who gets mad at leaving the 10 pin, but that thought along with all the other thoughts (about things other than the making of the 10 pin spare) that tend to confuse the issue while our main objective is to make the 10 pin.

I know, I read that, and understood it, that's why  I responded with "I know you didn't mean me specifically".  I just wanted to confirm and let you know that I don't...when I see my ball hit the pocket and the 10 pin stands,...I don't get mad....just confirming....but I see your point, and agree!

You or someone else said you were worried about the team. ALl I suggested was one's thought processes should, must be focused on the execution of the moment. Anything else is counterproductive.

Someone else implied that I was worried based upon my comment of my teammates burying strikes and I'm 10-whiffing.  Not worried, embarrassed. However,....I agree with you....focus on my job!

Is it clear that we are not attacking you? that all we are doing is making some general suggestions to HELP you.

Yes, it's clear...some are just having fun with it though

OK, why do you think you were missing 10 pin spares all of a sudden that night?

Well, if I knew that ?!?! bad thing's been getting worse...just real bad last night.  Honestly, I don't really know

Remember, one who expects NEVER dissapointed !