First off let me say I DO NOT agree with the proposed changes !! Keep that in mind.....but
Most of you may be to young to remember the changes with the cars and the emissions controls....but reading the posts brings me back to when the auto industry made the first changes with the "coffee can" emission control. I heard my dad and friends say..I'll never buy a new car that has this crap in it, or that HAS to have this crap unleaded gas to make it run.
Well, take a look outside, there she sits, a car that has more 'junk' under the hood than most of us understand. Look at the pumps, unleaded only, and did my dad stop buying new cars ? shoot no, he buys one new one every 2 years !
It is change and a lot if us fear change. I'm old enough to remember when the US lived under the fear of the A Bomb and we are all going to die in 60 seconds or less, did we ? nope, was there changes ? yep, does your life change day to day ? yep...
All I'm wanting to point out is, Wait and See. all the crying about "I'm not going to do this"....and "I'm not going to do that" won't help anything, wait, read...adjust.
If you love the game, as I'm sure most do, then you be back, and bowling just as good as you did a year ago. Those that want an excuse to quit, here it is, but change will happen, how much ? when ? we won't know until later this summer, so wait, read and react.
I'm done.
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro
www.rlbowlerspro.comSleep is over rated.