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Author Topic: What to do with your fingers during release  (Read 2319 times)


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What to do with your fingers during release
« on: July 03, 2009, 02:19:49 PM »
Basically as the title says, what should I do with my fingers so that I can create a constant release while still making revs?  Ive tried many things, but no matter what I do with them, I always feel inconsistent with my release.  Even if I wear a brace due to my weak wrist, I still can't get that feeling of releasing a good ball with solid revs consistently.  Even if I try coming up the back of the ball, I still get inconsistent results.

So if you have any tips, I would appreciate it.



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Re: What to do with your fingers during release
« Reply #16 on: July 08, 2009, 07:01:57 AM »
Sometimes it is just a matter of getting one's thumb out early and having a nice flat spot in ones release(timing and level to the lane).

All the revs needed just come from having the fingers in the ball for a long time after the thumb has come out!  Firm fingers like Pete Weber and that is all that is needed!


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James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana