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Author Topic: What to keep ??  (Read 1047 times)


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What to keep ??
« on: November 26, 2008, 09:07:09 AM »
I have bought a bunch of bowling balls and now it is time to get rid of some and pick my arsenal. I have been haulin around 8 or 9 balls and trying to figure out what works and what doesn't.

right now I am at
slate blue gargoyle - spares and super dry
rotogrip neptune - dry
track kinetic
black widow pearl
AMB particle

I think I need to decide between the kinetic and widow pearl as I believe they have the similar reaction.  I wanted the kinetic to be really skid flip and snappy but it ended up being pretty smooth at the break.  I have used the widow pearl for some time and averaged 216 with it last year. It is more angular.  I may plug and redrill the kinetic so it is more skid flip.. probably what I should have done from the beginning but the track rep talked me into a shorter pin to pap.

Next choice is Hammer Anger and the Cell.  I haven't had much luck with the cell at all, especially out of the box.  It doesn't have the big hook that I was looking for.  I haven't really used the anger much but when I have it seems to outperform the cell..better reaction, better recovery. I haven't been on what I would call heavy oil with either of them so it is hard to tell which would work best.  I would really love the cell to work since it is new and I had such high hopes for it.

AMB particle I will use for PBA shot and tourneys if needed.

I also have a quantum fire that I may keep and stick between the neptune and the widow or kinetic.. which ever I pick..

any help is appreciated.. or if you have any suggestions of space I need to fill.
350 RPM, 17 MPH



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Re: What to keep ??
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2008, 07:10:03 PM »
Slate Blue
AMB Particle

Adjust the cover on the Cell to fit roughly halfway between the other two.  --  JohnP

Jesse James

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Re: What to keep ??
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2008, 07:31:33 PM »
I like your arsenal as is, right now. Don't know much about the Kinetic, since I haven't seen one thrown. Your BWP must be a little scuffed in order for you to go from there to an Anger!?

I really like your step-down from the Slate Blue to the Neptune. That seems to be right on point.

As for the Cell and Anger, it's not about hook. The Anger is going to outhook the Cell, almost every time, but the Cell will carry better on almost all heavy oil conditions. I've thrown the Cell and the Anger. The Anger is most obvious with it's hooking power, but on some conditions it just gets over-matched. Wherein the Cell is pretty consistent, and shows a sneaky hook, that carries well.

And that AMB particle will friggin hook on you're covered, especially for tournaments. Do what John says for local houses, and make physical adjustments to fill in your gaps.
Duct tape is like 'The Force'. It has a light side and a dark side, but it still holds the universe together.

Some days you're the bug some days you're the windshield.
Some days you're the bug....some days you're the windshield...that's bowling!


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Re: What to keep ??
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2008, 11:47:00 PM »
Thanks for the info on the Anger VS Cell. Makes me feel alittle better about the cell.
 I took them out today and compared the balls on a heavier oil shot than I am used to.. And this wasn't a fresh shot.. left over from yesterday afternoon.  The Kinetic and Widow Pearl were almost identical.. Piped them both down 10.. throwing slower than normal maybe swinging 3 boards or so.  I would say the widow had a little more room for error.. and more recovery if I got it right. Widow is 5 1/2 pin to pap pin over fingers with 60 deg mb... newly 4000 finished and polished.  Kinetic is 4 1/2" pin to pap, pin above fingers 50deg mb, newly 2000 with polish.
Anger is 4" pin to pap drilled axis leverage. 2000 abralon
Cell is 5 1/2 pin to pap pin below fingers with a 45 deg 4000 abralon
 no weight hole.
thinking about putting a flare increasing hole on the MB.
Moved left and played 15 to 10.. If I went much farther right the cell wouldn't come back.. and the anger barely made it back.  Both carried well.

I was thinking that the widow/kinetic and the cell/anger are too close together to keep.. I hear what you are saying about the cell and I think it might shine if I used it on what it was intended.. I am realizing that the two houses I normally bowl are med oil if that. probably why the cell wouldn't have any hook on the backend and if I slowed it down it would just hook in the first 30 feet..
I think I am going to put the weight hole in the cell to increase the flare and keep it at 2000 oob and use it on the right condition.
I probably should have drilled it with the pin up but thought the lower pin would give me a big smooth hook.. maybe it smoothed it out too much.
I'm dont' know what to do about the kinetic.  I think if I left the drill the way it is and took it to 1000 it would give me a different and maybe useful ball.  Other option is to drill it like I wanted .. skid flip.. pin up above the fingers 5 1/2 inches.. but that would mean plugging and redrilling and i don't really like to do that..
My AMB particle is 6 inches pin to pap with a 45deg mb.. I haven't thrown it like that yet.. I had it at 3 3/8 leverage 45deg mb and didn't like the roll on it.. it would hook out of my hand and then just go straight.. but it wasn't rolling out.. still rotating.. this was on 50 foot flood.. I'm only going to use it on tourney shots and don't bring it to regular league

I was thinking about getting rid of the cell and the kinetic but don't want to because they are so new.. you might have convinced me to keep the cell...
350 RPM, 17 MPH


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Re: What to keep ??
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2008, 11:59:35 PM »

I really like your step-down from the Slate Blue to the Neptune. That seems to be right on point.


just to clarify.. the slate blue is polished with .5 micron polish and delay reaction..6" pin to pap pin up
Neptune is OOB 5 1/2 pin to pap.. pin up..
Neptune hooks more.
350 RPM, 17 MPH