Please, someone explain to me how it is cheating. If the center puts out a shot, and he averages substantially lower on this shot, how is the bowler cheating?
Now, if the center puts out a shot and the people responsible for that shot make it hard on purpose and in turn only bowl at that center for an advantage in tournaments, then yes it is cheating. Just because someone joins a league at random, and the shot is difficult, does not mean the bowler is cheating.
99.9% of the time, the bowler has no control over what kind of "house shot" a bowling center puts out. So to say they are cheating by bowling on a difficult "house shot" is ridiculous. Not every house has numerous 230+ average bowlers. Believe it or not, there are houses where the high average is below 210. Amazing isn't it.
I am not a pro-bowler, but I do play one on