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Author Topic: What to look for when checking the fit of my thumb hole?  (Read 1212 times)


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What to look for when checking the fit of my thumb hole?
« on: July 13, 2010, 09:20:16 AM »
As my question says: what are the signs of a good thumbhole fit?  What should I be looking for that tell's me that I have the right pitch and size for myself?

Well after all the suggestions, which I thank you for , I have decided to go to the orland park clinic this saturday on the 17th.  Before that I was hoping to make sure the fit of my ball was as good as it can get.  I talked about it with my local driller and the thumbhole came into discussion.  He told me it was a trial and error process to find the right size and pitch because it depends from person to person.

So if thumbhole fit is a trial and error process, what should I be feeling and looking for once I put my thumb into some random hole size and pitch? My driller gave me some suggestions, but I want to know the general concensus regarding thumbhole fit.

I went forward about 1/4 from zero and that has helped me relax after the push away but once I'm on the down swing to my release, my thumb stays on to the point I can't feel the weight transfer to my fingers, causing me to relase the ball with my fingers and thumb at the same time. I get an inconsistent release as a result.

Sorry If I'm asking too many questions.



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Re: What to look for when checking the fit of my thumb hole?
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2010, 07:55:34 PM »

The main thing I got from those articles is that in a good fit, the ball hangs onto your thumb except during release point.

How do I know if it's hanging on too much or too little?  

Should I add forward pitch to the point it feels like my thumb is glued onto the ball and that I will go flying ala machuga flop?  

Wouldn't that just lead to the ball not coming off?


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Re: What to look for when checking the fit of my thumb hole?
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2010, 08:09:17 PM »
It really is a personal thing.

One person may use light grip pressure, another heavy grip pressure, someone else might have very large hands, another very flexible joints.

you see what I''m getting at.

I personally like it so my thumbhole is on the big size and I use medium grip pressure. why? thats what I have found is comfortable, it''s as simple as that.

One tip I will give is to NOT READ ARTICLES on thumb fit. I read and was told for years that your thumbhole must be tight, it must be snug and I bought into that. I had for years and years pain in my thmb, thrown the ball half way down the lane, some reverse pitch and many days of just chucking the ball down the lane with two hands due to swelling when the thumbhole was too snug.

Trial and error is the key
Hammer has set the trap Hammerheads.

"Get them kiiids of the STREET!" -)

Edited on 7/13/2010 8:16 PM


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Re: What to look for when checking the fit of my thumb hole?
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2010, 11:31:32 PM »
Oh I know it's trial and error. I even mention it in the first post.

My question is what should I be trying to test when looking for the right thumbhole size?

Is there a test like finger span test that tells whether I have the right thumbhole size and pitch for my personal game or not?

What does a good thumbfit allow you to do versus a bad thumb fit?

I apologize for asking too many questions but I know the journey is different but the results have to be the same.  

The thing is I don't know what the proper thumb fit for my game feels like and what I would be able to do if I've achieved it.