I got to thinking, me and a_ak57 bowl on a real crap fest shot, and I was wondering what everyone else bowls on? People rag me about being a 170 average bowler, but the truth is, thats about 90% of the people that bowl in our house! Even the coaches and directors of leagues and stuff say that our house SUCKS!!! The difficulty of our house could almost be compared to the difficulty of a sport shot, just a different way of going about playing the shot. The difference is there are actually honor scores shot on sport shots, our house has about 1 800 i believe, and a handfull of 3's. I realized from doing PJBT's, that on a THS/wall I average around 220, though this could also be due to the competitiveness of the tournies, but none the less. So what do you bowl on? I still stick by my belief I would average over 200 on a THS in league.
16 years and still going strong! 16 years old that is!

The names Warrior Princess, Xena..Warrior Princess
And why would I "saw" pins in half, THATS A WASTE OF PINS!