As many of you may or may not know, I recently purchased and had drilled my very first ball (quite exciting!). It's a Scout Reactive polished with 2-3" pin. I took it in to get it drilled, and while the pro shop guy was very knowledgeable and helpful, I didn't really ask what type of drilling he was gonna set me up with. I just told him that I wanted fingertip and had previously only thrown house equipment, so I'm guessing that he mad a few assumptions about how to drill it. I don't have a problem at all with this since I've only been bowling since January, but I'm curious as to how he drilled the sucker. He told me it was set up to give a nice hook.
What I know:
drilled with the label in my palm. (is this what is termed label drilling?)
center of ring finger hole is slightly above punch mark that marks the pin. (I'd say the bottom of that finger hole is about in line with the center of th e pin punch.)
thumb hole is not quite centered below the label.
Beyond that I'm pretty clueless. Anybody know how this setup should work for me? I was in a hurry and haven't had a chance to toss it yet. Hopefully I'll be able to get out tonight and give it a few rolls, but the checking account might say otherwise.