I remember the video and book for the Phantom. The shop I worked for then, had the mgr go to the seminar. He came back stunned and not real sure of what he had heard. I mean this was really new stuff for a lot of folks then. Now this is somewhat common knowledge to informed drillers and advanced players in the game today.
If I remember the manual, they were the first ones to touch on weight hole placement as a way of changing the flare. Back then, weight holes and lay outs were pretty limited. Unless you used the Compu - Balance system, weight holes usually were 6 3/4" over from the CG on either side of the ball unless you laid a ball out axis or leverage. If you did axis or leverage, the weight hole usually ended up on your axis point. There was a pin on the axis drilling with a hole 9" called axis balanced and I had a couple of really good rolling Blue and Purple Hammers that were laid out this way. The only other lay outs that I remember was the track-weighting on the Vectors and block-weight. Back then you could put holes to the left of your grip (right-handed) because the track never was in danger of spreading enough to clip the hole. Same with the right side of the ball: The back flares never migrated enough around the ball to clip those weight holes either. The more dynamic the blocks got, the more the flare moved around the ball front and back side.
I remember the JPF Axe's had the mark on the side and also had RH & LH models. If you wanted the ball to roll the way the manufacturer intended, you had to line the axis point up on the mark on the side. This was supposed to make it roll like an axis weighted ball because it was on one of the cones on the side of the block.
Rico can probably answer this, but it seemed like the Phantom could have been one of the best releases in a long time and possibly got over-shadowed by the reactive resins very quick rise in popularity. It seemed like in our store that once the X-Caliburs got around into mass production, we couldn't get them fast enough into the shop. No one would even look at the Phantoms once the X started to get around.
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 82? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"
Mike Craig - Storm Products Pro-Shop staff -Columbus, OH