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Author Topic: What is the Deal With Beating Up Ball Returns and Monitors  (Read 6828 times)


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What is the Deal With Beating Up Ball Returns and Monitors
« on: October 09, 2013, 03:06:34 PM »
I wanted to get everyone's take on an issue that just about every bowler has to deal with or see on a typical league night:

Please tell me what the deal is with people kicking or slamming ball returns, chairs, tables, or monitors after throwing a bad shot? 

I totally understand that everyone wants to do well, and competitive urges can take over during league play.  However with that being said, for some time now I have continued to see people get angry after throwing shots (some even after striking), and beat the hell out of the bowling center equipment.  Kicking ball returns, slamming their fists into tables or montiors, kicking monitors, slamming balls back into the rack, etc., etc...

Let's be real, 99% of those in leagues are not making their living bowling.  They either own their own businesses, or work for someone.  And the funny thing about it is that if they actually damage anything, they probably could not even afford to replace any of the stuff they break.  In my opinion, rather than making the person look competitive or driven, it makes them look like complete idiots.

There is definitely no problem with showing emotion or being fired up, but taking it out on the machines and tables is just plain foolish.  And to top it off, many times it leads to people getting into it with each other due to their behavior which I have seen escalate into fights.

Just my thoughts.
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Re: What is the Deal With Beating Up Ball Returns and Monitors
« Reply #16 on: October 10, 2013, 12:08:04 PM »
Yeah, but the foolish things you did 25 years ago make good stories now.


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Re: What is the Deal With Beating Up Ball Returns and Monitors
« Reply #17 on: October 10, 2013, 12:33:04 PM »
Yeah, but the foolish things you did 25 years ago make good stories now.

True.. but how many people are still oblivious to, or do not remember the huge fine and suspension Marshall Holman copped for kicking the foul lights during the finals of an Open on the tour?

As a kid watching that and being shown the tape of it back then and how much it cost, none of us then wanted to cop that, because that's what we thought would happen to us.

Moral: show the bad example early, and in some cases, often, and remind people of the consequences. Quickest way for them to learn to act right.



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Re: What is the Deal With Beating Up Ball Returns and Monitors
« Reply #18 on: October 11, 2013, 09:37:58 AM »

True.. but how many people are still oblivious to, or do not remember the huge fine and suspension Marshall Holman copped for kicking the foul lights during the finals of an Open on the tour?

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Re: What is the Deal With Beating Up Ball Returns and Monitors
« Reply #19 on: October 13, 2013, 08:01:47 AM »
bowled against this guy on the other team and it was the funniest thing I've seen in awhile. not a very good bowler,rolled a backup ball up the middle and every split or miss he left he would yell the F bomb really loud and stomped off the lanes. my buddy and I were cracking up the whole night.
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Re: What is the Deal With Beating Up Ball Returns and Monitors
« Reply #20 on: October 13, 2013, 05:34:49 PM »
Ohh man well I sadly was one of those angry bowlers in my youth years and even 5 years into my adult career. I was really bad though. Punch walls, lockers, scoring tables(monitors weren't in the center I bowled at), never really kicked anything just punched things. I didn't start dropping foul language until after I started in adult leagues. It was bad enough that I was having a hard time finding anyone to bowl with because they feared my temper snaps on the 1st good pocket 10 of the night.

5 years ago I changed my thinking about getting mad at bad shots and things have really changed for the better. I'm now to the point that nothing really angers me out on the lanes anymore. While my average hasn't improved any, in fact it's a little worse as of right now, I do find that my stress level during the night is much better and I also notice that I'm enjoying my time out at the center.

Now the Wednesday night league I bowl in has 3 of these types of bowlers. It's not always fun bowling against these people because when they start going off it is very difficult to keep my mind focused on the positive things and keep my own negative thoughts in check.
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Re: What is the Deal With Beating Up Ball Returns and Monitors
« Reply #21 on: October 13, 2013, 06:17:22 PM »

True.. but how many people are still oblivious to, or do not remember the huge fine and suspension Marshall Holman copped for kicking the foul lights during the finals of an Open on the tour?

Marshall Holman thought the fine and suspension were too excessive also.,3573726
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Re: What is the Deal With Beating Up Ball Returns and Monitors
« Reply #22 on: October 14, 2013, 07:11:21 AM »
kick our house stuff we kick you out !!! end of peoblem