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Author Topic: What Weight Hits the Hardest?  (Read 1522 times)


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What Weight Hits the Hardest?
« on: October 01, 2004, 01:59:41 AM »
I have a quick question.  When I started bowling a while ago 16# was the best weight to throw.  Well I quit bowling for about 10 years and a local pro shop guy told me that 14# and 15# now hit harder with the current ball technology.  He actually told me that 14# was the best and that the majority of the pros thew 14#.  Is this true?  What makes 14# and 15# better then 16#, and is 14# actually the best way to go?  Thanks for taking the time to read this and any feedback is greatly appreciated!




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Re: What Weight Hits the Hardest?
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2004, 10:23:57 AM »
All conditions being equal a 16 lb will hit and drive the hardest.  

The problem today is that often a 16lb ball will actually hit to hard. It drives thru the pins so forcibly that you leave a lot of back row single pins and occasionally a pocket split.

So for carry purposes a 14 lb or 15 lb ball may carry better.

Many pro’s have gone to 15 lb, I don’t know of many that have gone to 14 lb. They do it largely because it is easier on their body throwing as many games as they do. It lets them maintain their ball speed without as much work.

It is still about matching the bowler up to the best equipment for them. If a bowler throws too hard for the amount of revs they get on the ball then staying at 16 is probably a good idea. Some bowlers will overthrow lighter weights.

Some will over rev the lighter weights some will lose revs with higher weights. Some have accuracy issues and not being able to feel the lighter ball others simply can't control the heavier weight.

14 lb balls carry significantly better than lighter balls so you need to get to that level if you can but after that it is largely a personal issue.


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Re: What Weight Hits the Hardest?
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2004, 10:29:54 AM »
let's see. first hit yourself in the head with a 10# dumbbell and then try it with a 9#  dumbell.

look its simple. carry is defined by angle of entry and ball defelection. your ball hits only 4 pins for a strike. that is it. carry can also be attributed to revs, speed, axis roation etc.

the fact is all three weights will allow you to strike. use the weight that you physically throw the best and the longest.

why do pros use 15 more and more. well if there is no real difference in weight why not drop an pound and be stronger at the end of 16 games. less wear and tear. plain and simple it's all gravy to the pros since they all carry.
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Re: What Weight Hits the Hardest?
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2004, 10:36:40 AM »

(picking himself off the floor afer hitting himself on the cranium with a 10 pound dumbbell)

If that's what the 10 pounder hits like, I'm gonna take someone's word about the nine pounder.....
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Re: What Weight Hits the Hardest?
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2004, 03:18:05 PM »
Well, generally 14 lb. and 15 lb. balls have more entry angle (more with 14 lb. balls) thanks to higher RGs and higher differntials (to make up for being a lighter weight, thus weaker hit). Maybe that's what you were hearing about. Hope this helps!

Entry angle is a result of the way that the ball is thrown, the weight has nothing to do with it. Unless you mean because you will throw a lighter ball, harder and get more revs on it. If you rolled it down a ramp it would have the same entry angle as a 16lb ball.

The core dynamics and coverstocks of todays modern equipment make 16lb equipment hit too hard. On a perfect strike for a right handed bowler, the ball hits the 1, 3, 5, and 9. If you are throwing a 16lb ball and are leaving many 8 pins and 9 pins because the ball is not deflecting, then you might be helped by moving down to a 15lb ball.


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Re: What Weight Hits the Hardest?
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2004, 05:45:58 PM »
14 and 15's will do just as good as 16's now days

Tom Kelleys Pro Shop


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Re: What Weight Hits the Hardest?
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2004, 05:51:25 PM »
the laws of physics have not changed.

M X V2  or mass X velocity squared!

The answer is IF two balls thrown same speed 16 hits harder 17 harder still!

The question is do you throw the 16 that much slower(the Velocity squared factor)?

Further the ABC has done studies that verifies this definitively!

I have a friend that throws a 15 faster and better but likes the hit of 16.

He buys most of his balls at 15 pounds 10 ounces!


PS when in doubt remember Mass X Velocity Squared!
PPS there can be no doubt that in most peoples eye that 16 definitely works better on heavy carrydown!

I have the proof from a nasty carrydown situation a couple of years ago!
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