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Author Topic: What would bring in the most bowlers?  (Read 4136 times)

Magic Carpet

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What would bring in the most bowlers?
« on: July 17, 2004, 08:16:49 PM »
If you wanted to pump up a scratch league and draw more bowlers and you had $1,000 to spend show would you spend it?
Offer $1,000 for the high set for the year?
Offer $1,000 for high team set for the year? (There is a 200 per man average cap)
Offer $1,000 to the person that can bring in the most new bowlers and sign up under their name? (when they finish the league of course)
Offer $500 in a random drawing to the teams in the last 6 spots in each half?
Think out of the box a little, what would you do?  



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Re: What would bring in the most bowlers?
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2004, 10:11:19 AM »
Forgot to mention the last placed team walked away with about £80 each using the prize money per point style.
Admitedly not much per person, but at least they had the chance to make money every week of the season.
The prize money for 1st place etc was not that high, you had to accumulate your winnings each week.
I always thought it to be a fair system even when I finished down the table.
Happy go lucky bowler from the UK.
   Did someone say tough luck
Happy go lucky bowler from the UK.
Specs. 430rpm,18mph off hand. 11-12deg Tilt, 50-60 deg Rotation. PAP 5 1/4 by 3/4 up.
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Re: What would bring in the most bowlers?
« Reply #17 on: July 19, 2004, 02:31:05 PM »
Team brackets the night of the banquet (or just before)...
Here's how I would do it.
Most scratch leagues have rounds - and pay out based on round results. So...
I'd take the top 8 teams in year total points. Put them in the bracket round.
3 games - 4 teams eliminated after the first game, 2 after the second, winner takes 800/team, 2nd takes 200/team.

The way one league does it now, the top two finishers each round makes it into the bracket round.
This way, the more consistent teams will make it - not a team that happened to have a "hot" sub for one round, and was dismal the rest of the time.
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Re: What would bring in the most bowlers?
« Reply #18 on: July 19, 2004, 02:48:54 PM »
I guess I’m missing the point of the post.

I thought the object of the post was to get more bowlers into the scratch league not to line the pockets of the top teams with more money.

To get more bowlers you have to make more of them feel they have a chance at the added money.

The new bowlers are most likely not going to be on teams that have a chance of finishing in the upper tier. So the added money on the top is of no inducement to them. You have to make the new bowlers feel they have a chance at the money.

/sarcasm on/
Of course some of this goes by the wayside if you put a cap on the league but if you were real scratch bowlers you wouldn’t be caught dead bowling in capped leagues because that is handicapping the field. Real competition is no holds barred bring your best team.
/sarcasm off/

Magic Carpet

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Re: What would bring in the most bowlers?
« Reply #19 on: July 19, 2004, 03:08:31 PM »
You guys are doing great. I tend to think it best to some how target the money outside the top 3 teams. I am listing though.
As for the cap we tried raising the cap and lost bowlers.
I would like to hear more ways to spend the money outside the prize fund.
Something no one else has though of. Who knows you could come up with a new idea that will sweep the nations.
Ron Clifton


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Re: What would bring in the most bowlers?
« Reply #20 on: July 19, 2004, 03:49:06 PM »
You could have an end of the year tournament.  Hi-low doubles to keep the averages fair.  Typically no tap, but I doubt a scratch league would like it.  Pay $400, $300, $200, $100.

How about something like the Virtual Tournament site does?  Come up with a random score (one for individual game, individual series, team game, team series) and give $250 for each catagory during position round.  All teams would be there and everyone should have a pretty equal chance of winning.
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Re: What would bring in the most bowlers?
« Reply #21 on: July 19, 2004, 03:52:53 PM »
... Perhaps bring out come coaches like Bill Hall or Randy Stoughton/Stephen Padilla from Kegel and hold an in-house camp. Use that 1000 for their fees/travel/etc... and have the league members who are interested pay for the lineage and additional camp fees (so you break even).
-Jeremy Vitug


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Re: What would bring in the most bowlers?
« Reply #22 on: July 19, 2004, 04:19:05 PM »
How about a winner-takes-$1000 "skins" pot, that covers the entire season, as follows.  The "skin" score for your game is your game minus the next lowest bowled score across the league, during the same game.  You can win the pot shooting 150 if the next lowest game that same game is 116 (skin score = 34) which would be better than shooting a 300 if the next lowest score is 279 (skin score = 21).  Just about anyone has a chance of winning, it is mostly luck.

Kill the back row (or maybe this should read "make your spares, dummy")

Magic Carpet

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Re: What would bring in the most bowlers?
« Reply #23 on: July 19, 2004, 10:57:47 PM »
Funny Jeremy Vitug, very funny
Ron Clifton


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Re: What would bring in the most bowlers?
« Reply #24 on: July 19, 2004, 11:00:32 PM »
Hey... a camp with you, Billy Hall, Stephen Padilla, and Randy Stoughton will be one hell of a camp. I would go. Seriously... but again.. that would cost you so much money just to even schedule it.

-Jeremy Vitug

Magic Carpet

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Re: What would bring in the most bowlers?
« Reply #25 on: July 19, 2004, 11:01:31 PM »
Funny Jeremy Vitug, very funny
Ron Clifton


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Re: What would bring in the most bowlers?
« Reply #26 on: July 19, 2004, 11:20:02 PM »
If you are wanting to fill just a scratch league try having an end of the year tournament.

Get the qualifiers from the league, hi game for the month, high series, most points won, etc.  Only let a person win 1 month.  With just those 3, you should have 27 people in the final at the end of the year.  Let them shoot for the $1000.  May have a semi final elimination tournament until you are down to the last 5 guys, then split the $1000 up into skins.

Gives everyone a chance, plus with $1000 up for grabs, you should have a waiting list to get on the league.
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