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Author Topic: What would make this happen?  (Read 4048 times)


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What would make this happen?
« on: July 23, 2008, 09:39:18 AM »

I have a Columbia Bully which has two drillings on it.  It has been in my closet for about two years.  When I pulled it out today (wanted to try it out this summer) it had cracked all the way around.  I did not notice any cracks on the ball when I put it in the closet.

Has anyone had a problem like this?  What would make it happen?  The closet stays about the same temperature with no extremes in heat or cold.  I also have some other balls that I keep there and none of these have any cracks.

Thanks for the help.



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Re: What would make this happen?
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2008, 09:33:02 PM »
Closets seem to do that.  I know several people that have had balls do that.  A Fuze Igniter, an old urethane Zone, an Ebonite Wildcat (sucks, he shot 843 with it and would love another one), a Super Freak.  Different closets, different lengths of time, different amounts of wear on the balls.  


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Re: What would make this happen?
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2008, 09:45:03 PM »
Maybe the stress of not being able to "come out of the closet" was too much for the bowling balls to bear, and they "cracked" under the pressure.
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Re: What would make this happen?
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2008, 09:48:43 PM »
Nothing you can do about it, that ball is old and been sitting 2 years. I have had the same thing happen to 2 different balls while stored in a closet. I just threw them in the garbage can when I found them..
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Re: What would make this happen?
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2008, 09:53:03 PM »
Had an AMF Velocity do that very thing, and it had extremely low game traffic on it. It's now the ball I use to dial in my drill press when I want to check to see if it's still drilling the right pitches.



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Re: What would make this happen?
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2008, 10:06:21 PM »
I've had them crack undrilled just in a ball cup on display.I have them crack in my shop on a rack,on the floor,in my closet,some with very few games on them.The one place I have never had one crack was in my vechicle.I leave them there in the heat and the cold.Go figure!!!


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Re: What would make this happen?
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2008, 10:14:32 PM »
supossedly if ur putting the ball on a concrete floor, even if there is carpet on top of it, u should put it in a bag that way it keeps it from cracking and try and keep it not on the floor.
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Re: What would make this happen?
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2008, 04:02:55 PM »
Maybe the stress of not being able to "come out of the closet" was too much for the bowling balls to bear, and they "cracked" under the pressure.
"I'd rather be a conservative nut job than a liberal with no nuts and no job."

nomination for funny post of the day!
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Re: What would make this happen?
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2008, 04:13:20 PM »
I have an Ebonite Wildcat in great shape! Don't know if I can sell it though.....

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Re: What would make this happen?
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2008, 11:21:08 PM »
No, that is typical of the original Columbia resin reactive bowling balls. Most of them would last a couple of years then fall apart. That was my experince with 4 out of 5. Unfortnatly, the 1 ball I owned I sold it for near nothing because I hated it so much.


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Re: What would make this happen?
« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2008, 11:54:20 PM »
Temperate flux is the #1 reason stuff cracks. Balls cant stand it when they get cold, then hot, and if it happens continually over the years, it will crack slow. Expansion and shrinking
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Re: What would make this happen?
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2008, 02:32:10 AM »
its columbia, im suprised you got holes in it before it cracked
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Re: What would make this happen?
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2008, 02:45:49 AM »
lol at the c300 comment

In all seriousness, if you folks are going to store bowling balls in the closet, put them in a ball box and lay wood down. If you put them on the carpet, time will have their way with them. You have to take into consideration what is under that carpet.... CONCRETE.
Nick Smith ... A.K.A. BrunsNick
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Edited on 7/25/2008 2:46 AM
Nick Smith
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Re: What would make this happen?
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2008, 06:26:47 AM »
"Verbs" made a post a few months ago that talked about drilled balls sitting around without being thrown being subject to cracking. The reason is that urethane balls never "completely" cure.
The only ball I've personally had crack was one that I had used maybe 150 games, then put it on a shelf (off the floor) at room temperature for the summer. When I went to put it back in my bag one night it was cracked. I showed it to my company's product specialist who verified that the drilling/layout was fine and not the problem, and then confirmed what "Verbs" said.

Therefore once you drill them, take them out and throw them once in a while to keep that cover from cracking. I wish I could remember more completely how Verbs explained it, but I trust his knowledge.


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Edited on 7/25/2008 6:27 AM


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Re: What would make this happen?
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2008, 06:58:25 AM »
No, that is typical of the original Columbia resin reactive bowling balls. Most of them would last a couple of years then fall apart. That was my experince with 4 out of 5. Unfortnatly, the 1 ball I owned I sold it for near nothing because I hated it so much.

That's possibly the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I've got a stockpile of Cuda/C and Wireds and have not had any of them crack...and the Cuda/C are from 1997.

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